MiniMaxx V1&V2 tuner Wholesale & Dropshipping GO
The only reason i bought this is because everyone told me not to come up. He sent me a pin and said he’s he was like bring pat here now and i was like okay taking a sh. This is either exactly what i think it is or it’s exactly not what i think it is. If you check the pin, look where the pin is okay, there’s the pin look at that. Oh, i know where it is yeah that looks perfect for yeah a little spinny guys he’s not even here what all right all right.
I thought it was me dude whatever it is. It cannot be good enough to set this up like this. You hear that it’s either gon na be extremely sick or be a complete piece of. It’S either gon na look good in a tiny motor or a huge motor and look like an absolute dumpster wagon. Why is it sounding another mustang?Oh yeah. It’S definitely a diesel, it’s a turd wagon. The only reason i bought this is because everyone told me not to everyone’s like don’t buy a six. Oh you got to get this this this and this no, they actually. The only reason i bought.
This is like the motor is built, the. It just got a new , which is also built and uh. What the is this. This is like home depot chunky spray paint the best part about it. When i picked it up, uh i’m the one that did that there was like a fuel tank back in here and they told me to back up a trailer and the tailgate was down, and i backed right into the trailer.What is that? How much to eat that right now, it’s pizza crust, zero! It is not pizza crust! That’S pizza crust! This is like insulation.
No, that’s pizza crust! That’S! Definitely like! Oh that’s pizza crust! No, it’s not!
You eat it. Okay! Do stop! Don’T eat that hey quit! It dude no pizza crust want some good, so you’re planning on turning this thing into a notch.
Looking truck huh yeah, you doubt me just watch how you plan to do that. Very simply, i’m not even gon na tell you my plan because then, when you see it, you’re gon na make that’s not even the same truck. Let me think, let me think, would you pay for it? I can’t tell you, i’m not gon na tell you for it, i’m not telling you how many miles have on 752 000 miles what fell out a bunch of read the side of that will do no dildo. That’S a d!Well, pop the hood pop the hood: oh my god was it a teenager, oh yeah, for sure it’s a bulletproof yeah, so it’s started obviously deleted. It’S got 10 blade, turbo, um different intercooler. You check if there’s blow by yeah no no blow by. I don’t know what any of that means, but it sounds cool yeah. No, it’s solid, well, sweet!
It’S about time. You got a diesel huh yeah! I think we’re part of the diesel club now is the real call pretty good or no. What’S that one guy that you botched on the last video and all the comments were like: oh we’re unsubscribing, because oh heavy d, yeah yeah, he still sucks it’s fine. No!
It’S just they’ll figure it out. One day like i cannot support a guy that makes you watch 15 minutes of content tricking you into think you found an abandoned pickup, but actually it’s just a shipping container or whatever the hell. It was, and it’s actually your raptor that you decked out just so you wasted 15 minutes of people’s time, so they will buy t-shirts and get entered to win. No just have a giveaway and make good content. Don’T do fraudulent content and saying you found an abandoned pickup!
That’S just a giveaway! Your dog water, you’re, working. Oh, it likes to burn holy. Why we not get one of these we’re getting tired! So bad, oh, my god, i like stick those because no one else does oh holy!This thing is sick. Do you want any new back tires yet , the ground, got ta stay in the club, uh. I bought the 6-0. Why? Because everyone literally told me not to everyone says well: if you’re going to buy, you got to get all this stuff done to it and then it’s just blow up anyways.
Well, i made sure all the stuff was done to it. The one i got uh runs awesome brand new bulletproof, whatever all that stuff 10 blade turbo straight piped yesterday sounds amazing by the way and uh. Now we’re just going to see because this is obviously the pinnacle or the starting point of a 4×4 machine. Everybody knows was the 2005 460 power stroke, so we’re going to see if we can climb sand hills, ready. I thought i had it dammit.
It’S got to be possible, you have only to believe if you wish to achieve you know, but einstein say that , you jumped it. Your front wheels got off the ground yeah. I think i’ll make it going where no power stroke has ever gone before off road, hey spikes. We got the bully pat. What are we gon na bully him about he’s getting a new vehicle?
I love my favorite thing. Is we’ve been telling spice he’s just got to watch his mouth, a tiny bit on camera, because he just kind of goes with the out-of-the-box words yeah, but he tries to catch himself and then he just goes. Oh dude you’re such a like. He just makes the two worst words possible. I i have a problem with just saying: whatever comes in my head, so like you’re, i totally thought i could have made it.That was dumb. Maybe if i had better tires dude, i don’t know if people realize how steep this hill is, it’s pretty steep dude. Here’S the thing buy a checkbook with unlimited money. I would start all the way back there and hit this at 100.
We’Re talking about aliens bro, this is the wall, doing your cool, do it and you’re cool?
What do you mean? How you’re going to get up you’re going to see what you’re doing right now and you just give it some gas and you turn and go you’re going to roll over ? Hey! Don’T roll over don’t roll over! Oh dude!That was badass that was badass. That’S what i’m talking about! Dude, that’s sick, oh my god, yeah dude. I thought he was at the peak of that time. A little at the peak dude.
I swear. Do it again? Why is this gon na not be good? Oh turn turn, not bad, it’s the exit where it just goes. So, if i can like come here and like all right now, you’re a little ass.
No, no, no trust me! You go like along here, yeah you’re gon na 50. 50. The whole thing hold on and then i exit before that hey you know what jake that sounds like a brilliant idea run with it i’ll be on top here: dude, okay, let’s think about this nope run it i’ll be on top. That sounds.
A great idea makes me feel, like i got a side-by-side with a turbo yeah realize how close your truck is to rolling when you’re up on the top there. Oh it’s like. If you, if you let off the gas, your truck will roll down the hill. No, it won’t, i think, what’ll happen is it’ll, just do something other than that anything other than that. When you hear that turbo, you know diesel noises and then i’m going to come down get in the truck yeah.
All right. You guys got nothing to worry about. You know why powerstroke, my god. This is the problem like. If someone came to me and said, here’s a million dollars, i could do a lot of rad.
The problem is, if one doesn’t go good and it gets views now. I got ta pay for that thing and i can’t don’t have money for the next video. Let’S say at a million bucks and i rolled this thing down the hill that’d be a great ass. Video and i’d be all about it, but then i’d be able to pick up one of a car. Seeing like a pickup, i feel safer than when i’m sleeping in my own bed, because when you’re sleeping you can have nightmares, they’re uncontrollable, freddy krueger shows up he’s chasing you, you die.I got no control over that over the pickup. If i’m rolling, i got control inside the cab, you know what way i lean as it’s rolling the cab’s gon na get crushed. You know i just flip this up duck down now the cab’s like right here and i’m safe, freddy krueger. He controls that dream man. He can make ten of himself.
You got nothing to do about it. Okay, one more patrick, was in the cities. He went and got. Something obviously won’t tell us what it is. It’S this whole big, surprise, debacle, yeah, we’re we’re here.
Okay, i’m i’m on my way. Okay, so we can go outside and watch. You come over the hill, all right we’re coming outside. I so hope this. This isn’t super lame.
I think i hear that’s my dad’s airplane yep he’s a, mickey no leave go, go, go, go, go home! yeah. Look at that see that 30 degrees of approach angles here where they have to come up here. Multimatic shocks. Look at these bad boys yep!
You know all right! Buddy! We got some! Oh yeah! I i will say no, don’t say anything because it’s: what are we supposed to do with this pat they’ve called this: the uh, the mini truck equivalent to the rafter.
That is a fact who called that i watched the review on youtube and that’s what they said. My cheekbones hurt from laughing so far why this is not funny. It’S cringe bro. I have bad news for you. What i know your s10 is broken shut, the up and your honda sucks yeah.I didn’t sell my supra. No, i’m good! No! There’S! No way shut up, no, it’s not!
You can’t even afford it. This is yours, a colorado! It’S not for you i’ll! Keep my car hi, i’m! Second, i’m like oh!
It’S not ugly! This isn’t really! You can’t really like you. Look at your trucks. Look at that you’re like trying 1200 uh option, 1500 options lights right here, yeah.
I know i’m thinking he can make it cool. What’S it look like looks better, hey can’t have those you can borrow them till you get your own beauty box, beanie box george set up cost if you would actually buy this yeah. It’S a garage paper weight. 65 bucks, 1500.75 is best.
I got meet me in the middle seven. Five fifteen guys right now. I need to just say thanks in each and every one of you watching this we’re on the brink of doing something so awesome. A lot of things that are bad are coming to an end and a lot of things that are going to be super freaking sick are like just starting. We are launching something huge that we’ve been working on for maybe like the last year and something that we’ve been working on for the last two years is coming to an end and what’s also coming to an end, is this giveaway?
I still can’t believe it we’re giving away another mustang. This has probably been my favorite car hands down, but i guess there’s some talk. Some of you guys don’t like mustangs. Some of you guys are against just super sick cars that can drift like you saw and do burnouts and super loud obnoxious, which is fine. I totally support your teslas, which i will never ever drive one in my entire life.
For those of you that do not want this mustang and don’t want a cool car, we are offering up 25 000 cash instead of the mustang. So if you don’t want the mustang we’ll just give you cash and then we’ll sell the car get a new one. Get something cooler, so you can either win that mustang or 25 000 cash on october 15. Giveaways coming to an end just got to say. Thank you guys so much thanks for watching.
Thanks for all the support and uh we’re still throwing in 100 and every 50 orders on the website, so there’s that you guys have been crazy, loving the videos buying the merch. I could not do this without you, you guys keep supporting. I promise you. We will get to making content every single day eventually so, like subscribe, peace out follow us all. On instagram see you thursday.
I got some bugs for your heat.