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https://minimaxxtuner.comHe, all right guys. So, as you saw, we just removed our uh turbo that we’ve been using for sled pulling. But we have this very cool looking box right here, and that is because we are going to be swapping the turbo on the sled pull truck um. We are headed today here in about couple hours. We are headed to another Fair uh for a pole down in Bronson Michigan, and they have some very specific rules about turbos and the class that we want to run.

We cannot run this turbo, so we got a hold of KC, turbos kind of told them. What we were looking to do, if you guys remember last year the last poll we actually blew up our stock 2003 turbo, and so I wasn’t going. I didn’t want to go out and get a another stock 03 turbo. That was just going to explode and fail on me. So we got a hold of KC turbos.
Minimaxx dropshipping wholesale https://minimaxxtuner.comWe told them the exact specification that we were looking for and man. Let me tell you they put together one of the coolest turbos out there for sled pulling with your six l. So we’re going to. We haven’t even opened the sucker up, we’re going to pull it out of here, and they always do a killer job with the packaging. So, even though we had a little bit of damage on the side of our box here it don’t matter cuz.

If you look inside here, this thing, there’s no easy way to get these out. I usually flip them over, like that. You can pull them out just like that. Look at this okay, so, as you can see here, is our our uh DIY, KC turbo that we put together and then this is the new turbo that they sent us um, and this turbo is going to allow us to run uh at this pool tonight. Um there are some very spec specific specifications on this turbo that we talked about um, because we want to keep this turbo alive and honestly this one, this one might outflow this one I can’t say for sure, but it might um I’m going to go over.
https://minimaxxtuner.comI’M not going to tell you guys the exact details on this turbo, but we’re going to go over some some Minor Details, so the first thing is here on the compressor side. Um. This is a cast wheel on the compressor side you can see on on my other one. We’Ve got a Billet wheel. Well, this one is a cast wheel on this side um and then this turbo will plug 25.

So that is uh. That’S the big thing is the opening on this turbo um, it’s going to be able to plug 25 and we have a cast wheel. That is the big thing um, the other things that they did to this turbo uh. To keep this thing alive. Uh is kind of going to be on the the down low we’re going to try to keep it a little bit of a secret but uh yeah.
h&s mini maxx tuner https://minimaxxtuner.comSo this is going to allow us to run basically any of the any of the stock or Street diesel classes. Um, you know the rules are different through amongst a lot of different uh pulling classes but um this one we’ve been running with the uh Street diesel class uh with West Michigan, poers um, 100 % legal turbo, um um, and so we like, I said this. One might outlow this this other one, but uh we’re going to we’re going to hopefully find out tonight. So we got to get this thing installed and we’re going to try to get some some little bit of a Breakin if you will and then uh yeah, like I said, we’re already hooked up to the trailer you can see, the the sled pull truck here is: Is is up on the trailer so we’re going to we’re going to get this thing slapped on here, fire. It up, make sure everything checks out we’re going to go truck ping.

One of the things that makes installing these so easy is when you have Shameless plug, when you have a set of lld up pipes, I’m telling you guys the one piece up pipes that that are available on my website makes this just a a breeze for swapping Out turbos so um we’re not going to be loosening up down at the manifolds or anything like that. So when you first get your up pipes, this is going to made up beautifully because you’re still going to be loose at the manifolds. But even even if you were to swap turbos, you don’t have to go underneath the truck and try and loosen those back up to make the connection up here. And what I’m going to show you guys this. This truck has seen north of 2000 egts on a fairly regular basis, um between last year and this year, and these up pipes the the bellows in the up pipes.
https://minimaxxtuner.comEverything has has lasted very, very well um, so we’re going to we just dropped it in it’s. Currently, sitting on the dowels for the for the pedestal, um and all we’re going to do is we’re going to reach back there. We’Re going to grab our up pipes and they’re already super super close, but they just need a just. A slight pull up and then they’ll be able to lock in. There is a groove on the turbo housing.

Then there is a groove on the up pipes and we just got to get those to mate and once they mate that connection is together and now you can throw your clamp around it all right so, like I said, the turbo is currently sitting in its dowels And you can see this Gap right here and that’s what we don’t want. If you were to throw this clamp around this Gap, you are going to have a major major exhaust leak, so um, all we’re going to do is, with our one hand, from the driver’s side we’re just all it needs to do. Is you can feel the turbo lip and you can feel the up pipe lip? You can tell that it needs to come up like a millimeter. So all we’re going to do is we’re going to grab it and just you’re going to see it pop right in just like that, and you see that Gap just absolutely disappear, and now we can let go of it and it’s going to stay in that spot.
mini maxx V2 https://minimaxxtuner.comSo now we can just grab our  clamp. We can throw our clamp around there, get it started here, get it in position and that clamp is ready to be tightened up and that I pipe up pipe is going to seal perfectly to that Turbo. All right guys, so our turbo is installed ready to go. We pre- lubed it and uh learned something about this, this pipe over here, so one we we do need to update our AC line, so it goes under not over, but then also loosening up. This battery gives you enough room here to uh to get that connection made cuz man.

It is just tight for these. These larger pipes in here with this banks Ram system so um little key feature there. Little key tip is uh undo your battery scoot it over get your pipe on and then tighten down your battery again. Now we’re going to leave our intake off because uh, where we’re headed they’re going to be checking our turbo, so um we’re just going to go ahead and leave it off um. But let’s go ahead and fire up the truck here and uh yeah, we’ll just let it idle for a little bit and then I don’t know we’ll give it a couple of revs.
https://minimaxxtuner.comHopefully the old six L here starts. We were at a pool last night. We ended up taking first went 24 M hour, all right guys, so the test drive was a success. We got the turbo broke in. She makes good power and good boost and we didn’t blow any boots off so um that was imperative and uh yeah.

We’Re headed we’re loaded up we’re going to go to Bronson and uh yeah we’re going to try to fit this all into one video. Let’S do  Applause, it son of a ,last night, it’s bigger than 255 last time, smaller than not slightly bigger than 255, it plugs 25. This is 25. This is 255. You see it’s a slightly bigger, it was an aftermarket.
dpf delete kits https://minimaxxtuner.comTurbo is an aftermarket turbo. It’S a staco free, turbo brand new St they’re supposed to be 61. If they’re St we broke the old one. That’S why that’s why they’re still St you can see? It’S definitely bigger than 25 five.

With I mean you can see, that’s not what we expected. I feel like it’s not going down in there you’re good, all right guys, so we made it out to Bronson. We’Ve got the truck we’re trying to let it cool off. We had a little bit of uh couple of issues at the scales uh. We were a couple hundred lbs over, so we had to dump some weight, but then uh they didn’t really have a good plug for our turbo um, but fortunately, after dumping, some weight and talking with them, they they came up with a good plug so um they Were able to plug our turbo, we are good to go going to have some fun.
https://minimaxxtuner.comYou can hear they’re auctioning off the trucks right now, uh we’re going to try to have somebody. Somebody buy this old girl here, but uh yeah we’re going to have some fun. Let’S do it, two and qu in the P two and qu in the pit looks tough. Let’S see what it can do. Look at for 247, hey!

We got scary. I wanted to make a over when I get the te he’ll be here. Let the black here we go 46, for let a big dog e’ll, be here! That’S the black! Here we go, all right race bar next now we’re on track pH all right guys, so it is the after our truck pull down in Bronson uh.

You guys just saw we wrapped up. I had a couple different angles of the truck pulling uh. We went 300 some odd feet. Uh had a really good hook, uh on the track. You can see about 200 250.

We kind of hit a soft spot. You see me kind of turn the wheel. A little bit when we did hit that soft spot um that was kind of a bummer but uh we did only end up with second place. We got beat uh. There was a 64 power stroke that went out and went 309, so he put 9 ft on us um.
https://minimaxxtuner.comThankfully it’s another Ford, so the Fords still are are uh winning, but uh. Yeah 64 Power Stroke beat us. So it’s hard to compete with those guys um in the stock application, uh being that their trucks come with compound turbos and when those suckers are running good uh, they run good. So um that is a difficult 9 ft to uh, make up um. I think he did have a better line than we did uh.

He definitely didn’t hit that same soft spot that I did um. We just we weren’t making the mile per hour that he was um and uh. I think it had a little bit to do with the line. Probably could have locked up a little bit sooner on the uh torque converter, but nonetheless had a great time down there. Unfortunately, we had a little bit of a struggle trying to get through Tech.

Nonetheless, the truck did its job. We did our job and uh. We drove it back on the trail and went home so um. Thank you huge shout out to casy turbos. They pulled through for us big time on that turbo uh.

For that event, um we are going to continue to use that turbo um test it out and basically well torture test it. If you will, if you guys, are looking for something similar to that uh, it’s not something that they just sell. You’Re going to have to reach out to them um let them know that lldd sent you over there um and then they might hook you up with a similar type setup for your truck if you’re doing some sled pulling so uh. Thank you guys for tuning in like subscribe, and we will catch you guys on the next sled pull event: peace.

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