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2024 Ford F350. How Ford saved its transmission with the manual lockout.

2024 Ford F350. How Ford saved its transmission with the manual lockout
https://minimaxxtuner.comAll righty guys, I want to give credit where D Ford you you know props to you guys. I absolutely applaud you for doing this. It’S the manual Mon, it’s the manual mode. I can’t say enough good things about it, so that mode will save your transmission. I really hope RAM and GM follow suit.

I really hope in the new uh 8-speed transmission that Ram’s releasing and their heavy duties, they have the mode. Here’S. How and here’s why it will save your transmission um. I kind of get it. Why RAM and Jim don’t do it?

Because if you don’t know what you’re doing you’re definitely burdening your truck and [ __ ], but, let’s just say Average Joe, doesn’t know what that is. He doesn’t need to know what that is, he’s never going to use it. I get it you overpay for a truck that you’re not using, but thank you Ford for uh, giving us that manual and here’s how it’s going to save your transmission when you’re an extreme case right. Well, let’s take a step back. What kills your transmission heavy acceleration?
h&s mini maxx tuner https://minimaxxtuner.comHeavy loads right, that’s what everyone says, but what actually? What part of that process kills it guys? What kills us is the slush block effect right? It’S it’s where the clutches are open. They’Re, shifting, but they’re slipping right.

The torque converter isn’t locked it’s generating a lot of heat so right now, I’m just bobtailing right right now. I don’t have a trailer on me, but I use this button all the time when I’m getting on the freeway with a decently heavy load right Average. Joe is going to say I got an automatic, let it decide what it wants to do and guess what you’re right, but us professional drivers that that earn a living with air equipment. We want to prolong the life of air transmission. So myself, when I’m getting on the freeway, let me fix this camera there you go when I’m getting on the freeway.

I do this all the time you see how it’s uh selected. I mean it’s orange the gear that it’s running in right now and let’s say I’m getting up on the freeway. I like seventh gear because it’s my 1:1 ratio. But if I’m in sixth or seventh gear – and you know I’m accelerating, but I really need to get on that throttle to get out – I love the fact that I could lock it in gear right now. We got an M cuz.
2024 Ford F350. How Ford saved its transmission with the manual lockout
https://minimaxxtuner.comI just clicked it and no matter here. Let me show you my boot right, I’m going to put it to the floor boom. Guess what it just gives me what it has it’s not going to down. Well, I should probably chill out here before I get myself in trouble. You know what I mean so when you are loaded.

This is a awesome tool to have right, you’re in six seventh gear, you’re you’re kind of climbing an RPM but you’re about 2200, and you need to give it all you have, because that traffic is catching up to you, and then you got a trailer behind you. It’S pretty heavy, so probably don’t advise you to go to the floor, but lock the gear that you want to grab into grab on to it has to be a higher gear. So you have room to stretch your legs or your vehicle stretch legs, but you don’t want it to downshift the moment of downshifts right. If you don’t lock that gear, you guys know what’s going to happen, you’re working through those gears, it’s upshi and you’re, slowly accelerating, but you got to get on that throttle to Excel and you’re going to get on that throttle. Well, guess what the train is going to do it’s going to unlock downshift and give it all it has, and that’s the moment where you’re cooking, breaking snapping wearing out the piss out of that transmission.

So, let’s, let’s uh, give you a scenario where I use on daily basis when I’m towing heavy I’m excelling. I I’m never hard in my equipment when I’m towing, I let it do its thing, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do within reason. Right you’re getting onto the freeway, that’s where I use it all the time and you just yeah. You don’t want to have that. downshift, once it’s when it’s under such extreme load, CU you’re, getting on to the freeway you’re about quarter, throttle, let’s just say, 30 to 40 %, throttle you’re in it right, and this thing is working it’s going through gears and you just needed to Hold the gear for the moment right for, for about 3 seconds, I usually lock in sixth or seventh, I just kind of watch.
mini maxx V2 https://minimaxxtuner.comIt work its way up work its way up, my sixth or seventh GE. I love seventh, it’s my one to one. I lock it in and then I give it a good 60 70 % throttle because the transmission’s locked, because the transmission has been commanded into manual mode, it w’t, downshift or upshift as much as I can. I think you can bounce off the rub limit. I never tried, but I think on the downshifting part, it will override itself if it’s under 1,000 RPM.

Don’T pull me on that, but that’s the impression them under. I don’t torture, my equipment, so I wouldn’t know on that part of it uh so boom. You know you, you lock the transmission, you don’t let it go up or down, and you just give it the beans right uh, typical day. You know I’m getting on the freeway 67 gear you’re not going fast enough and all the traffic’s catching up to you need to go as fast as you can without tearing a new one into your equipment boom. You know you lock her in well.

I guess I just unlock this one. You lock her in you, give it a a healthy 70 80 % throttle the turbo does what it can. The engine does what it can, meaning the power that you have in that moment. It gives it all it has in the most safest way and in the safest way possible you Excel up to speed, and then you unlock it and let it continue upshifting now keep in mind, don’t don’t bounce it off the rough limit. You got to get a hang of it, but the the idea and the fact that it’s been implemented is phenomenal.
2024 Ford F350. How Ford saved its transmission with the manual lockout
https://minimaxxtuner.comThat’S why I praise Ford for it. They never give you anything with a cherry on top, but I think this is as close as it gets with this. I can’t say enough good how good this is for us. Uh drivers out there that that, like to control uh the vehicle as much as we can, it does help going downhill uh when you’re coming down a hill, like I like to lock in the exhaust brake and just let the exhaust brake, give you what it can. Um, I noticed that’s my best best bet is to lock it in a gear.

You know an appropriate RPM, I kind of shoot for the 2500 uh it’s up there, but it’s not crazy. It doesn’t hurt anything. You know somewhere in the 25, 2600 RPM, climbing or downhill and yeah it does it phenomenally so once again Ram. I really hope you guys give us this option in the new eight8 speed GM, please join the crew. Clearly GM and Ford built these transmission.

I mean they, they co-develop these transmission. I know they have different clutches. They all kind of went their separate ways on the tuning part, but uh at the core that these are the same Transmissions right. So I know Jim can do it if they want to um anyways. So hopefully this helps you guys and the guys that are Towing heavy start using it, because it’s it’s going to massively drastically improve the life for your transmission.
2003-2007 Powerstroke 6.0L EGR Upgrade Kit (93100)8 don’t have to test it to tell you, because uh, if you got basic mechanics these, these engines are crazy. They got a lot of torque 12200 torque has nothing to sneeze at um and that torque and burning opening and closing is not a good recipe. So, by keeping there keeping that transmission locked under heavy throttle, I mean you’re you’re you’re as safe as it gets as the best case scenario as possible. It’S not downshifting. It’S not upshifting, it’s locked in gear.

You bring it up to speed you back off the throttle. You know you’re back into your 15 20 % position and then you unlock the Tran in at that point. You know it h shifts under far less stress anyways Fells. Hopefully, this video helps you guys out there save your transmission, prolong the life of them and uh get better return on your investment. You know your Roi just goes up.

If you go to, if you go through less Transmissions, you know now, your transmission is are going to Grenade on you before warranty. They always do after and the longer you can like. I run my trucks till the wheels fall off my fleets um, but yeah anyways. As always M the little bless, may you all have a mighty fine day: CIA bye,

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