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My 2024 Ford F350 Gets a Lift Kit & Tires

My 2024 Ford F350 Gets a Lift Kit & Tires 
https://minimaxxtuner.comWhat’S up and good morning guys, this is King.! Welcome back to another video uh this morning going to get a little protein Shak in after leg day yesterday, which is the second time going to gym in like 7 months. So y’all comment down below. Tell me that I’m getting fat and tell me to go to gym, but anyways today’s going to be a pretty exciting video, um yeah, there’s something right nope.

I think I show you too much, but we’re going to be going over that new 350 right over there. Um ky’s about to pull up. He got some sausage from Louisiana when he went home for Christmas in the holidays and uh, we got to go. Get a de freeze, cuz. My fridge in the house and in the garage is starting to kind of get full so need to get that deep freezer.

So we can also go get some deer, potentially um here in the next couple weeks. I don’t know about y’all, but for hunting season. It has been so weird all across the country. I think especially out here in Good Old West Texas, around Leck, and I don’t know what’s going on. I think it’s the weather just been so warm, I mean even yesterday.

It was like 65 here and it’s like end of December early January. So anyhow, we’re going to get a deep freeze and go grab a couple things and then uh we’re going to be showing you this little present over here. So thanks for watching please like And subscribe and comment Down Below on this video and uh. Let’S get going on this [ Music ] video man is back from Louisiana Christmas. For you, oh snap, all too good dude is this thing huge or what dude?

This thing is ginormous, it might be at the six. Is it a four to six? It’S supposed to be, I think it’s at the six. All right here you go is this: is this appropriate for YouTube yeah, it’s appropriate for YouTube. Oh no way!

Where’D you get this. I found it at a antique store and uh. I actually didn’t even know these. Even existed, it’s actually like not the shape yeah. No, it’s like a special edition.

Uh Magnalite. It’S like a little little special series. They ran we going to make some food some sausage yeah. I didn’t even know they made those I’d, never seen those in my life. My mom had never seen them either thanks bro, I’m so excited dude.
h&s mini maxx tuner https://minimaxxtuner.comI saw that I was like yeah. I got to get this for Bliss. I was like. I know, you’ve been wanting one for a while. I’Ve literally been like looking e eBay and like Facebook Marketplace and you don’t know who’s a scam and like which one’s like a real mag like authentic Magnalite, because I’ve heard there’s a lot of fakes too.

You know like, but oh heck, yeah. Oh, I’m stok that we take this up with us to uh one more you you can take yours, though I’ll probably take mine, cuz mine’s a little bigger. If we do dude. This has got to be the six bro. This m – I haven’t too much yet but uh oh dude, know I’m excited for this video for sure guys.

So we’re going to run a few errands we’re going to go, get a deep freeze, like I told you and now that I’ve got this, I’m even more stoked to uh fill the Deep Freeze and like cook I mean shoot. I guess we can do deer and everything I mean you can cook anything in that mag like especially gravy, I’m I’m excit make gra, but all right, let’s go uh! Let’S go to Home Depot all righty. Let’S go to Home Depot, get us a little deep freeze, or should we just get a big one, yeah big one, big one yeah, you always get something smaller and then you’re always wishing you got something bigger, you know. Oh my legs are killing me.

I’M trying to walk normal right now, but I feel like I have a stick of my butt is this: is this normal the pain and why am I wearing shorts right now? It’S freaking freezing all right. If I was a freezer, I think I’m in the back. Let’S see, look Home Depot boxes. Look at that by the way Home Depot is my favorite I prefer overloads.

I don’t know, let’s see here all right. This is why I like home Depot. So it was $ 349 $ 2.99 and then, if you look at the app here 269, then on top of that, thank you to my wife for her service. We get 10 % off, so saving monies making money.

Oh this is not as heavy as I thought. It me all right, carry the boats, all right, it’s starting to get heavy. My legs are done. Oh, they hurting feel the burn all right all right. So it takes about 20 minutes for homea to process a online payment to be able to get the discount say.
My 2024 Ford F350 Gets a Lift Kit & Tires 
https://minimaxxtuner.com30 bucks, so I was like all right. Let’S just show the truck here. So here is the brand new 2024 F350 King Ranch all right, so here’s the whole setup. This is a super lift 4 to 6 in adjustable King coilover, lift kit, and, as you can see here, it’s got the coilover kit um. I want to say this is actually at 6 in because it’s at the very bottom uh it would be 4 in if it was up top.

So this was supposed to be 4 in, and but I guess, the guy that installed it, he uh didn’t adjust it down, which you know at the end of day, I’m not too mad about, like. I guess if I get tired of it being 2 in Too Tall I’ll, just adjust it worst case scenario, but um got the king coilover shocks right here. It’S got the adjustable valve right here and the tires are 37 by 1350 by 17 Nitto mud Grapplers and I’m very happy with this truck. So if you can see me standing right here like it’s pretty freaking tall, so I mean I man, I love how it looks. I’Ve got uh, I think I did 20 % on the windshield and then 5 % on the side, so um, wind, windshield, tin’s, pretty dark um got the high outp put F350 King range now on the back here, so to be able to get the proper spacing.

Um, if you look right here fit my fingers in between here, this is going to require a 3-in spacer I’ll, have links in the description below for everything that you see on this truck. Then you know that way. If you want to set up your 350 like this, you can just buy them through outdoor, So speaking of which that’s a word from our sponsor outdoor, carrying all your truck parts and accessories for your trucks, Jeep, SUV, cars, anything you need go to outdoor Trucks.

om and thank you for sponsoring our video all right now back to the video. So on the back side I mean this thing: it’s got a booty on it like it’s it’s fat uh. I mean what how many KY? How many inches is this right here at yeah about 4 in, I would say so. You know fitting in parking spots is a little bit difficult, but I kind of got this truck like so I can have it as like one truck.

That is not necessarily a work truck, not to say not to say I won’t use it for work, but yeah I mean it’s pretty big um. So when we get back to the house, we’ll put my toolbox, I’ve got, of course. I always run a CA. Locker um with the rail and then that’s my uh. If you saw the video before when we were transferring everything over um, that’s we did do a video transfer, yeah yeah.

We did okay, that’s a six 70g fuel tank right there and then this is uh. Some um parts I’ll just leave it at that, but yeah I mean this is the setup like I don’t know it. It was a lot bigger than I expected to be and it is nose down just a touch. So I’m going to do something here in the rear end to kind of level it out a little bit because right now, okay, I can’t even measure with one hand but yeah there’s a it’s got some forward rake to it, which I’m okay with, but because I’m Not going to be pulling as much like, I want it to sit a little bit more level uh empty as much as possible, but yeah. This is the new 350 guys I mean here’s the inside.
mini maxx V2 https://minimaxxtuner.comIf you haven’t seen the inside of a king R, oh by the way, I’ve got front veillance there, so that’ll be um in another video, and I got some weather texts actually as well, but yeah brand spanking new got 400 Mi on it, but yeah. I think it turned out really good, we’ll call them match the bumpers um here in a little bit and put an intake on um. I don’t know, let me know down in the comments below what else you think I should do this truck, but pretty much I mean once we do a little bit tweaks here and there like that, I always usually do I mean I think it’s going to be Set up pretty darn good, oh, I guess one thing is put the go light on there. So that’s another thing to put on so yeah. I guess we got a list of things to put on that.

Uh is only going to make this truck look better. In my opinion, let me know down in the comments below, though, what uh, what y’all thoughts are, tell me if you would whip this all right, so I don’t know if y’all ever have a birthday around Christmas, but growing up, you typically don’t get birthday presents, and Christmas presents, but now I just buy my own presents, so this is all the stuff for the the 350, so we got cam Locker toolbox, geny hitch. I think that’s for Summer’s Expedition actually and then some Weather Tech floor, mats um got got a we another wee boost as well and feel like I’m missing something else. Oh goite go light Mountain kit and oh we’ll put the train horn. I got to fix some wire stuff on it, but yeah.

This is all going to go on real quick. So I’m going to unbox this Gen Y first cuz. It’S the easiest! Look at this packaging from Gen Y, so professional shout out to Gen Y all right and then this one is for the side by side. Actually – and it’s you see that I don’t know if you can tell see that oh and $ 50 cash baby.

That’S a shout out to Geno: they uh were doing their Christmas or holiday special where they were putting cash. That’S $ 50 real! Hopefully it’s real! That’S pretty right! There that’s going to look, look pretty good on the back and side side huh.

So it’s 10,000 lb weight capacity, 1500 lb tongue weight, pretty good, that’s un boox next weather Texs. So this time I actually went with the floor liner HP. So it’s not as stiff. I don’t feel that compared to like my other ones in the past, like feel they’re less stiff a little bit more rubberized. I just want to change it up a little bit.

Let’S see this one’s passenger, I don’t know about y’all, but I put these actually. On top of the other Flor liners all right and then other side yeah, I like the rubber feel a little bit better and then, let’s do the rears, shake it up. A little bit. Yeah yeah looks good weather text, baby, all right and last but not least, the tool boox. So this time I actually decided to change it up a little bit and if you look at my other trucks, I’ve got the black cam lockers with the rails, low profile and they’re matte black right.
My 2024 Ford F350 Gets a Lift Kit & Tires 
https://minimaxxtuner.comSo this time I don’t know I kind of had a wild here that was for dramatic effect. Ooh. Look at that. That’S a good look! I mean I’m I’m kind of partial.

I kind of do like the matte black look, but then the glossy look looks good too, but the key thing is got to keep it clean because if it’s gloss and it’s not clean it just doesn’t look good. Oh my hammies. So now, if you’re running, cam, locker and you’ve got a fuel tank, you got to make sure you’re not put it Sho it all the way up to it the fuel tank, because then you can’t open this. So what I do is I open it all. The way up push it back to where it stops, then you know you can always open up all the way.

All right drop it through find that rail tighten it down. Okay, about finger tight same thing on the side over it down all right now, I always want to make sure it’s centered up. I want to say: that’s: that’s fairly Center huh, even on both sides pretty Center, and that is the cam Locker o how’s that gloss black look. Oh, it looks so good heck yeah all right. So that’s it of uh all the trucks accessories for now.

We’Ll do some more in some videos to come, but let’s show youall what the turning radius on uh. Something like this looks like all right, so I’m going to go into here and go to my off-road setting and it’s going to show compass. Okay, here it is off offro status. Sometimes it shows you like turning degrees. Oh okay, all right here we go all right, so I’m going to go to the left and right now, zero we’re completely straight.

So I’m going to turn until it rubs. The left is going to rub a little bit more all right there we go we’re rubbing right there, it’s at 32, that that’s full, lock, yeah all right. Now, I’m going to turn to the right and to the right. That’S full! It’S barely hitting something.

Maybe a mud, flap or something like that. I mean that’s pretty much full lock. Definitely we got full lock to the right, and then that was third that was 37 to the right and then at 32 to the left. It rubbed a little bit so um yeah. Pretty much you almost have full lock going both ways.

My bet is once I get my uh new traction bar with the I’m, giving you some inside to the next video, but I’m going to get a track bar aftermarket track bar with dual steering stabilizers. That’S going to Center up that axle a little bit, so I should be able to get pretty much full, lock both ways um instead of the actual being shift over to the left, and it rubbing a little bit more. When I turn all the way to the left, so I’m going to do that. That’S going to be the next mod next mod next thing that I’m going to do to the truck! U and then the next thing after that is kind of be figuring out.

A little bit on the back end and seeing if I can get this truck to not be so nosed down, but anyhow guys, thanks for watching the video all the way to the end. If you’re seeing this but uh yeah, I mean it’s, that’s pretty gorgeous right. There I’m not going to lie it’s higher than I expected to be, but you know I’m okay with it all. My other trucks are pretty stockish looking anyway. So this first time I’ve done a lift kit that wasn’t uh the 3 and 1/2 and I’m pretty pleased with it.

The ride’s really good turning radius is great yeah. I couldn’t complain so I’m going to do some adjustments on the king shocks and uh I’ll kind of keep youall in the loop on what setting, but right now on the front, I’ve got them turned all the way to the left. I haven’t turned the ones in the back down yet so we’ll see if the ride gets a little bit better and you know maybe I want it a little bit stiffer than than soft, we’ll see, but anyhow thanks so much for watching. Let me know down in the comments below what y’all think about this truck and what y’all think I should do to it. If uh, if I haven’t done it already and uh, we’ll see you on the next one.


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