MiniMaxx V1&V2 tuner Wholesale & Dropshipping GO
Oh my mirrors, aren’t working or I shouldn’t say it’s not working, but I don’t have uh the mirrors on that side. So Devon’s a trooper right now all right time to roll. It ran out of fuel. I wonder if it ran out of fuel, it should have. All right, we got Luke at Southern Bill, Auto Works man.
Why is my du here um to polish, a turd yeah that that’s that’s the truth. That is the truth, but oh you haven’t seen these, yet the air dog’s not for my truck, but I do have an air dog at the house that needs to be installed on that truck, which I can bring next time. Let him carry one of them that loot car yeah all right. There you go. It’S like government work around here.
Just watch one person work. You know what that is, though right yeah, something way too heavy. I told him I hate to them on the box. It says heavy and then this is the carrier bearing for we may finally have a duly update. You guys see it not this one, not this one mine looks a little bit better than that.
One that one right there Devon standing next to it. We finally have an update. We dropped it off at Luke’s, thanks to Devon uh a couple of months ago, yeah uh and then obviously we got busy with like SEMA and other stuff and kind of got neglected and we’ve been waiting for the compound kit. So the compound kit took a while for it to get here and finally everything’s almost here um, I had to come here to drop off the s 400 Turbo that we got from Ryan and then I had to drop off a few other stuff. We are almost ready to get started on this dual for the compound kit and when we do that, we have the PPE heads we’re going to pull the cab on this truck and Luke’s going to show you guys like how to pull the cab and how to Install the compound kit, so it’s going to be pretty fun.
I did bring my new cluster because I don’t know if you guys remember when I bought this truck it for some reason had some sort of like 1,500. I think it was a Tahoe cluster because it threw a message that said: service liftgate, which is like for SUVs, and I got the proper got the cluster from ISS automotive. And actually, if you look right here, it actually shows the uh mileage of my vehicle Vin. That they programmed to it and it’s the white background, this connect your batteries, 10 minutes prior and during installation blow out harness connector blah blah. Well, it tells you kind of what to do make sure harness snaps before into place.
Caution do not Bend pins or cluster. Like kind of like your normal things, so we’re going to put this cluster onto the vehicle as well is the S400 turbo for the duel. So all right look at that. That looks pretty good. It made more sense to go this route than sending it off to a builder.
The reason why Focus the reason why I didn’t send it off to a builder was because I’ve literally messaged about seven or eight different people who rebuil these clusters and most of the times when I was ready to pull the trigger to place an order. I couldn’t ever get an answer from them. Going through ISS Automotive was super, easy only downside is they couldn’t program? Certain uh, like I, wanted like a welcome message with JW Motorsports Co on it, in which they couldn’t customize that, however, it was so easy to place in order I’ll some custom features. Like the white background, the needle color.
This looks extremely fancy, so I can’t wait to put this on. Obviously, if you go with like custom builder, they can customize a little bit more, but then you’re paying ,000 to $ 2,000 for a cluster and the weit time on those are way too long. I thought about installing this today, but because my truck hasn’t ran in like two months. I don’t even know the batteries are good and plus squeezing in there is going to be kind of tight. So I think we’re going to wait until we come back and do the compounds stay tuned for that, but I at least wanted to show you guys this cluster, because I’m pretty excited about it.
We’Re going to do all that, hopefully in the next month, because I’m ready to take the truck home and start modifying it and start showcasing the vehicle a little bit more with you guys. I know you guys already. I know you guys have been asking me about the duly build. I wanted to Showcase it with you guys. It’S just Luke’s been busy.
I’Ve been kind of busy as well with business side of things, so D’s been a little bit neglected, but I I promise you guys with 2025, I’m going to come out with more content for you guys to watch more exciting content. This is what my duly would be. Looking like we’re going to have the cab pulled, here’s an LML that Luc is working on on head gaskets and possibly might as well do a cp4 CP3 conversion. Are you no? No, no CP3!
Conversion on this just uh head gaskets and then when it’ll come back when the cp4 blows up, yeah it’ll be in this exact same situation, exactly yeah, but I mean he does some cool stuff see. I haven’t seen my duy in so long and I actually forgot that it looks pretty pretty good forgot how good it looked. We put new headlights and Grill finished. You know most of wrapping. I still got to do a couple of like uh trimming Towards the bed.
I was going to do that when we pull the cab, but I got to redo the cab lights cuz. You guys saw the amount of sealant that they freaking use and then I got a new do new headliner and all that and then I got a wrap. The roof but yep we did the little split design to where oh yeah. I forgot to put the gasket right here. So it’s been leaking water, pretty good.
My carpet is soaked, but that also means we’re going to get fresh Fresh carpet and we still got to figure out probably shouldn’t have it exposed like that I’ll? Probably, oh yeah, look at that turn that into a a fish bowl all right. Let me see if I can get that water out real quick, not that it really matters anymore, but draining all the water out of my headlight headlight yeah, but it was sitting like this. So all right drained all the water out of it, we’ll just let it sit like that that’ll be better than and dangling yeah. I actually forgot how good this truck looks.
Um can’t wait to fix it up, put some different control arms beefing up the front end. A little bit upgrade to all the HD Parts. Oh well, not that this these aren’t HD but beef, your tie rods and idler and pitman arm and stuff like that, hey you got some cool stuff around here way too many trucks, yeah! There’S you hurry up. I wish some of these trucks were for sale like this one flat tire.
Is that why it came in flat, tire, yeah, tire, repair, no new engine or something? I saw a new engine up here somewhere yeah this one’s getting a new engine, don’t know what this truck is here for here’s an LML just like my truck well kind of sort of l5p LML, oh LML yeah they caught fire. They caught on fire, oh dang, so what you got to do new new engine in wir and harness it’s weird. It didn’t burn anything below the intake, so it burned the wiring harness the heater grid. Uh part of the intake, the coolant bottle part of the fuse box on top of the battery didn’t affect the battery didn’t affect the battery tray didn’t affect a lot of things wow, you got lucky yeah, so he just came home and noticed that it was on Fire uh: he walked out to go to lunch and the truck wouldn’t start and noticed that it had caught fire – oh W, oh so it had like caught fire and then the fire went away.
Yeah put itself out it burned. The insulation on the hood burn the installation on the firewall. That’S what the installation is for burn the cow, but that’s about it didn’t do a ton of damage. We got to do a serious project One Day by like a wreck vehicle. If you know any body shots around here, oh yeah, we’ll take it to a body shop.
Have him put whole new parts, do a like a whole build series on it like a blow motor Duramax. Maybe we’ll do that here is my pile for the lb7. Actually, I’m not sure if that’s mine, but we got the PPE heads for the lb7 S400 cluster and the compound kit had to get pack for minor adjustment. So some of the gaskets and stuff are in his closet right here, which I’m not going to go in and look through stuff to show you guys my gasket kit, but for the most part the lb7 Dual is almost ready to go. We are just waiting for the the compound kit itself to come back and we’ll show you guys how to install it, and all of that I know you guys have been waiting for it.
I have as well – and I want to get this build done this year. I don’t want to drag it any longer. I want to get it done by the summer before the summer, so I can start driving the take it to shows meet up with you guys and you know showcase another, pretty cool truck on the channel, and I want to do two builds this year. That’S my goal: when you think this gas gets blown, let see see if you can figure out where, where it blew, it’s usually cylinder. Eight, that’s what yours was mhm.
What we seeing what we seeing clean? Oh wait! No, I thought I saw something insect this gasket. You could definitely see mine did he say this was here for a BL head. Gasket was getting new head gasket, so I’m assuming it has a blown head gasket.
Maybe not all right, we’ll have to wait. Till Loop comes back from the Snap-on truck, so it’s going to be a while. Deon knows all about it. Thank God! I’M not anym yeah!
He used to be part of. You should have brought some of your Snap-on stuff to get a warranted out today, yeah had to drive all the way back here. Take it up. That’S all right! You know they’re going to be in there for a while, looking at tools and signing contracts for life.
Sure you don’t want to go. Look at Snap-on Tools. No man, that’s just bad. That’S just bad mistakes. Waiting to happen is it you like mac anyway or Mac.
No, I mean I like my snap on now. I um I do like them, but you know I’m. Finally, getting over my addiction yeah, so I’m in I’m in rehab right now: okay, okay, so we got to just lay low l. L lay low right now I’ve been looking at this head. I wish I could have seen the top of that one cuz.
I sure can’t tell on the gaskets, where it was blown where it was blown mine was very pronounced yeah. My L was too, we won’t know until he comes back and we ask him if somebody was you know going this length to get all this done. Might as well do a CP3 conversion right there, just yeah $ 1,000 for a pump $ 600 for the kit. I think something like that. I mean you’re already paying this much labor, but I mean some people swear by you know I mean it’s not doesn’t mean all cp4 is going to blow up right.
I mean it’s like I think GM said 8 % failure rate which to me that’s still a lot. That’S 8 trucks out of 100. That’S a lot and I don’t even see a lift pump anywhere. So look at this. I don’t know what that is.
Maybe it’s something with a piston I don’t know, but to me after looking at that side and looking at this side, it looks like something with this side de what’ you find out figured out. There is a reason there is a uh new head on the floor. Cracked, so that’s what happened? Oh wait, hold on L, uh Hunter came back with some goodies from the Snap-on guy what’ y’all buy. I need to take out a rehab as cuz y’all came back with so much stuff n, just no n, free shirts, free shirt.
You sure you sure it wasn’t like 700 bucks for the shirt yeah I mean it. It came with some tools. It came with some tools. Yeah, it was. You have to spend 700 bucks, though I wish that’s all I spent with snap on how much was this 10 mm.
I just want to know how much was 1 10 mm like 40 bucks? Is it I told you it’s a drug, it’s a drug addiction. It’S worse, I that’s the cult out there. Drug is cheaper, actually, oh 100 %, it is yeah. Snap-On is going to be the death of me.
You kept saying de you going to go out there, I’m like no. I am in rehab right now, rehab. I looked at the prices, I said I’m going to hbor free. I do not need to spend 40 bucks for a 10 mm. You can buy a whole set of 10 mm from you’re right, Harbor Freight and then be back in two weeks later.
Exactly hey lifetime warranty, hey they’ll, get you at the flank, Drive technology too mhm what Harbor Freight? No snap snap on flank Drive! Oh yeah! What’S the flank Drive technology, some marketing scheme that come up with marketing scheme? Well, it’s worked for you.
It does work, but the scheme work for you all right. Let’S see what Hunter’s bought what’, you buy Hunter shirt creep here. Oh you just bought one and it’s not here yet yeah. I didn’t pay for it. Yet not you got a free shirt today, too.
All right: Deon, we ready to head back home, 2hour, drive back to Old austa back to good old disgusta back. We go um just waiting on that compound kit to be delivered and then we’ll be back. I promise you guys. I know I wanted to give you guys some sort of update video on the dly. I know we didn’t get to do much today, but we at least got to come check up on it because I haven’t seen it in like 3 months since I dropped it off off, and I know it’s only like a 2hour drive, but still the next time.
We can get up on that hood yeah, but I think the biggest part is waiting for this stupid compound kit to be made, so I might have to either find a different source for for the compound kit or just continue waiting get holding to make you some Get holding to make me some yeah I mean all it is: is welding welded pipes, yeah, but he’s going to need like measurements and stuff like that old, buddy and old buddy’s got a pipe bender, that’s true! Well, I might try to Source out a different kit. If I need to with that we’re going to end this video, hopefully yall need a message Luke or something then get like he’ll have 150 over, like 200 messages from people hey when we going to get that compound, set up ready. No, don’t message him like! Don’T don’t don’t bother him because it’s not really up to him, but hopefully we can deliver the compound content relatively soon, so stay tuned.