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 S400 L5P IN THE SNOW https://minimaxxtuner.comWelcome back  guys, I’m here at the shop for another 6 or seven hours tonight. I think it’s already almost 4 um, but we’re working on a truck, doing full paint correction ceramic coating on it still got a long way to go and for those of you that are in Missouri, you might know this. There’S a snowstorm hitting tonight. We already have probably two or three Ines out there. We got this morning and the big batch is about to hit for the next 10 hours or so so.

We’Re uh going to be at the shop for at least 7 hours might get stuck here for even longer, but we’ll see, as you can see, we already got a little bit out here. They did a decent job, actually plowing the roads. This time but yeah we got another big batch coming. As you can see, the truck is disgusting. I just ran some errands for lunch, went to the bank and all that good stuff, truck’s filthy, but um we’re going to get some more snow here soon and the parking lot’s going to be a perfect little ice rink.

So we might have to take the l5p out to do some donuts and when I say we might have to do that, I can promise you we have to do that. Um. You know, I’m just a boy. If you follow me on Tik Tok, you may have already seen me doing donuts on the last snowstorm in this truck. This thing loves the snow, loves the ice and slides really well.

So this is going to be fun, but yeah we’ll come back to the l5p. Later so stick around, but let me show you guys what we’re working on at the shop. It’S just me here by the way, so I’ve been going a little mentally insane with the polisher all day, but let me turn some lights on and show you we’re working on uh my buddy chance Weidman. He lives about 2 hours away in ptoi um we’re working on his fourth genin here, I’m going to show you guys a little bit of it but yeah. This is a it’s a clean little.
h&s mini maxx tuner https://minimaxxtuner.comFourth gen cumins! It’S got a big turbo. I think it’s a s472 I’ll pop the hood here in a second and show you I like this color bright red. The paint was AB absolutely cooked, but, as you can see, I’m working my magic on it. Full paint, correction, two-step and a ceramic coating once we’re done this thing’s going to look mint when we’re done, we already got, I think 13 hours in it, and I have at least another seven or eight.

So it’s a big job um these big trucks. When we do a full paint, correction and coating, it takes forever, but I get paid well so pop the hood show you guys um the turbo and everything he told me. It’S got a s472 and 100 overs, I think so yeah s472 and 100 over injectors, and then he said he has a bunch of other parts at his house just waiting to get put on. If you follow me on Tik, Tok or Instagram, you probably saw I did a cold start on this thing yesterday morning, um and it was freezing for that snow. That’S already out there, but yeah.

Yesterday morning or yeah, it was yesterday morning. He dropped off off the night before and it was sitting in the parking lot for like 12 hours, and I started it. I think it was 15 and this thing sounds nasty, go check it out on Instagram or Tik Tok. Things sounded really good, though, if you guys follow me on Snapchat or anything, I’m always trash talking on Cummins. Only for the reason that Cummins fans are probably the most loyal fan base out of all the trucks.

They just love their cumins and hate everything else in the world. And it’s really funny. I don’t even hate cumins like they’re, they’re, cool trucks and they’re Rowdy easy to make fast and the trans issues. I mean that’s a Dodge thing, not a cumins problem so but it’s so fun to make fun of you guys like, and it’s all love. It’S just jokes, but they are the most loyal and if you talk crap on them they get mad really easily.
 S400 L5P IN THE SNOW https://minimaxxtuner.comSo it’s really good um comment: bait rage, bait and gets you attention. So if you ever want to get views on a Tik, Tok just hate on the comments guys man now in all seriousness, though this thing is pretty dope got the forces on there. These are super. Nice got the Spinners on there, oh yeah. I do not have those on the l5p by the way I’ve never had spinning caps.

So I need to get some try them out. I’M going to come around here and show you guys the paint it’s really cooked. I think this front fender, I haven’t done yet I’ll – show you how bad this paint is and kind of what we do here. We do a ton of paint Corrections at the shop, so I’ll show you guys for those that don’t follow me on. Like my detailing account or anything, I show you what it looks like before.

We do our work and what it looks like after so here’s the before. If your truck looks like this, you need to call me today or tomorrow, but yeah. This is like, before, with a ton of scratches and swirling from stuff like car washes, and this is what the after looks like all those little scratches and swirls are completely gone, the Red’s a lot deeper and brighter and just looks way better. This is like my top recommendation for things to do for a US car before you sell it you’re going to get a lot more value if you’re selling a car or a truck and the paint looks brand new people are going to be like. Oh, they took really good care of this thing, so I know it’s expensive to get paint Corrections and get detail, work done, but dude if you’re selling, something especially or you just want your truck to look good for a show or for yourself make it easier to Wash all that stuff just come and pay the price cuz you’re, going to end up paying later down the road in another way, but if you just pay for it now, you’ll have a badass looking truck and be out the same money.

I do paint Corrections like this on all my trucks. That’S why I paint like half the time. That’S the only reason it looks so good in a video. Is it’s always so clean ceramic coated and shining in in all the videos I post, which helps me, get a lot more views and likes and all that stuff I promised somebody on Snapchat. I was going to do a energy drink reveal which, if you don’t follow me on Snapchat, go follow me Porter 524.
mini maxx V2 https://minimaxxtuner.comI do an energy drink reveal almost every day on there, probably about a minute long, and I didn’t even think about doing it. On my YouTube videos for some reason, but somebody swiped up today – and I was like why don’t you just add this onto your YouTube video like do an energy drink every single time – and I was like I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. But that is genius so without further Ado, our first energy drink review is on Celsius, strawberry, passion, fruit. Now I haven’t had this flavor before today. As you can see, I already cracked it.

I’Ve already tried. It already know what I rated it, but you guys haven’t heard so I’m going to tell you anyway. This is a really good. Drink Celsius has some weird flavors to be honest with you, and some of them just don’t hit the spot, but this one’s really good. If you’ve ever had like a dried strawberry, that’s what the aftertaste is.

The first sip is a lot of like passion, fruit, strawberry, like actually sweet flavor, and then after is the the dried strawberry flavor. It’S pretty good, though I like it. Overall, this is getting a .9 out of 10 in the porter zitting book and that’s the ranking without gum in my mouth, so we’re about to find out what it’s like with mint gum in my mouth um, four out of 10 thanks! No, but all jokes aside, this is a good energy drink.

Um, I’m going to be doing an energy drink review in every video now so whoever swiped up and suggested that I forgot who it was, but thank you so much so yeah, I’m going to treat today’s video kind of just like a vlog style. I’M here for, like I said at least seven eight more hours, so I’m going to start working on the front half of this truck, like I showed you the front fenders and all that aren’t done. I still have front fenders Hood roof and pillars to do, and then I got to go around polish. The whole thing cuz. I just did a cut to remove all the scratches and swirls got to polish.
 S400 L5P IN THE SNOW https://minimaxxtuner.comThe whole thing takes a couple two or three hours and then we have to do the ceramic coating. I don’t know if I’m going to do the ceramic coating today or not, but I want to get the whole paint correction and polish fully done so I’m going to get started on that. The snow should be starting in 20 minutes or so so I’ll be videoing. When it does and later when it accumulates on the ground, we’ll be taking the L5 pey out and doing some donuts, I had to pause working to show you guys this. So this is a polishing pad right here, um, but this is a polishing pad without the actual front half of the pad on there um so yeah, I guess when you buy pads off Amazon and they come and they look a little different than normal.

They behave a little different than normal too, so I uh was absolutely cooking. This panel I’ll show you here, I’m all up in this Cummins logo with the with the pad and it’s absolutely cooking and it starts getting a little wobbly and, as you can see way over here, the front half of my pack had flew off at about mock 10 over here um like a damn pancake and that thing just flew off and it scared the absolute balls out of me so had to show you guys that was awesome. That was absolutely awesome. Currently. 8:36 p.

Um, I’m going to call it quits on this truck. For the day it’s fully cut, I’m going to save the polishing and the ceramic coating for tomorrow. Cuz I’m beat and it’s late, I’m going to go out start the the truck see how she likes it cold and then we got about an inch of snow out there. So maybe we’ll do some donuts.

Maybe let’s see how snowy it is out here. Oh yeah. It’S a winter wonderland, it’s coming down heavy right now, probably about an inch up here; nothing, crazy, there’s the lights! This looks so dope in the snow, with it coming down all the lights on, I’m going to film some Tick Tock here for a sec, while the truck’s warming up and then we’ll do some donies thing sounds nasty when it’s cold the kid with the forge he Left his 40ft goose neck here, how his truck gets worked on makes me really want a goose neck trailer I one day. I definitely want one posted on my Snapchat about that, but yeah definitely one day day.
2003-2007 Powerstroke 6.0L EGR Upgrade Kit (93100)3 dpf delete kit https://minimaxxtuner.comI want to have a goose neck and have a truck lot and sell a bunch of used diesel trucks, but that’s maybe like 5 years down the road or so. But that’s definitely one of my long-term goals. You know you’re dedicated to social media when it’s 8 and snowing and you’re still filming Tik toks of your truck. I’M literally, I think I got frostbite all over my hands and my face, I’m so cold. Oh my gosh.

I got some snow here, it’s beautiful, we’ll let this bad boy warm up for like 20 minutes and then we’ll go out there. I’M going to see if I can set this tripod up: [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], okay! Well, this parking lot’s a little small, but obviously it’s good enough made some nice decent Marks here. Um I’m going to bring the camera inside and record. While I drive cuz.

That seems like a um. You know it just sounds really smart! Oh, I have to do the windows down, so I can see everything this is so cold peep, the Starlight. Damn it’s cold all right, let’s see if we can whip this thing like a Hellcat, while [ Music, ] recording, keep in mind. I’M literally, I just have it in drive, so it’s just shifting.

However it wants. I can’t do the tap shift because I’m one-handed! Oh, it’s so cold yeah. I wish I could do tap shift on here, but it’s just upshifting when I when I drift, because I’m one-handed dude, I had my windows open. While I was doing that and everything’s just covered in snow now.
 S400 L5P IN THE SNOW https://minimaxxtuner.comOh, my goodness oops that’ll be fun to clean up. I think I know a good detail shop around here, though um someone said it was pretty close, so nobody’s going to know. I did Donuts right. This thing really does look just insane in the snow. I love it.

I’M in love. The roads up here are literally untouched. It’S like a ghost town right now. It’S so cool I’m going to get some more pictures and uh Tik Tok videos, while I’m up here. Oh look a car but uh figure.

This was a good spot. I see a fellow truck brother over there little UFO [ Music ]. We got Nick out here doing some donuts in his dad’s truck. Let’S go it’s rolling. It’S freaking cold.

Let’S do some donuts donuts [ Music, ], [, Music, ] little slicky. Oh, my God, is that your Fender smoke, the fender. I don’t. I don’t know if that on it’s good, my fenders are tough dude. I don’t know if that was freaking gambling or not.

Oh, it’s it gimbles by itself, wow. This looks beautiful, yeah, that’s freaking, N Nick’s. In his dad’s truck. He just got back from Chicago freaking work Trip. Man work trip in the work tractor.

Those are some good donies, really yeah than how was Chicago. It wasn’t bad cold like6 when we walk. Oh, it was colder there. Oh I’m sure it was Chicago. Is disgusting freezing my balls off fcking gnarly?

Looking it looks so pretty coming down heavy holy sh. All right. Let’S leave before we get arrested. Thing actually looks so cool when it’s coming down heavy like this holy moly, I’m cold, all right, I’m a little bit warmer. Now, I’m probably going to end the video here guys.

I appreciate you guys for for watching I’ve been getting tons of Love on Snapchat Instagram. All that stuff Tik Tok um about the YouTube. So I appreciate you guys watching sure to comment sub share the video and we’ll see you next week. Peace out,

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