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Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch!

 Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch! 00-00-59 Hey guys and welcome back to another YouTube video, my name is Noah Shaw or Ford 6 fo and, as a lot of y’all might know, I’ve owned a couple, any L trucks, but I just sold my last 2022 F250 platinum and I kind of regret it. So today we’re going to be making a big trip over to Orlando Florida going to fly out. There pick up a new any level that I’m super excited for. It’S been one. I’Ve been wanting for a long time, it’s the perfect truck.

So let’s go ahead and get on the road over to Houston and fly out to Orlando. Also. Another reason I want to get another any- L truck is because it just does great for promoting the lot out here and my deal ship, Prime motorco, where we buy, sell and trade all vehicles. If youall want to shop our inventory, you can check it out on

om, we’ve got over 20 plus diesel trucks for sale now out here on the lot and if you’all haven’t seen, I just got everything chip sealed on the other side, so our parking space has Doubled now and we’ve got a nice area to load this place up with some fresh inventory, we’ve got a big variety of inventory, ranging anywhere from Fords Rams to GMC’s and much more. We take everything in on trade, so come check us out. We also offer financing and extended warranty. Let’S go ahead and get on the road to Houston now and knock out some of this trip. We’Ve got a 4-Hour drive over to Houston Texas, I’m going to spend the night there and then in the morning we’re going to fly out to Orlando Florida and it’s going to be an 18-hour drive home.
h&s mini maxx tuner https://minimaxxtuner.comLuckily, I’m with my friend right now and we’re making the first part of the road trip and she’s going to knock that out and then I’m going to drive the 19 hours all the way back in the any level you’re not going to. Let me drive no, why I see how you drive your car and I let just say I want to make it all the way back home, safe, so we’re going to cruise along and update y’all once we make our first stop we’re just making our first stop At bies here in Ling and we’re going to fill this thing up, this thing takes diesel right, huh yeah, I’m going to top off her tank for her get her right. So we can keep it on the road psych and I swear my new favorite thing is Apple pay top off the tank, and that should make us all the way over to Houston. We got 2 hours left of driving and then tomorrow in the morning we will fly out, get there around noon and then start our trip. Hopefully, everything on the truck checks out and it’s as good as it looks on all these pictures that I’ve been sent and if so we’re GNA pick up that thing really quick and take it home and right now we’re rolling in the Bronco wild track.

You know I was just gon na get like one snack or one drink and she’s like no. We need a basket. It’S banana pudding, okay, okay, some beer, so she got this little basket here. I’M just going to go ahead and grab a water for the ride. I told you we were going to need a basket my buddy Drew.

Let me borrow his new osmo 3 to record this video on with the DJI mic. So let me know how yall like the audio and the quality of this video. I think it’s going to be a whole lot better, and I like this thing so much that I’m about to order one for myself right now and we got it all topped off, and this thing is a lot cheaper to drive than a truck. That’S for sure. Only 20 gallons for 50 bucks, but time to get back on the road.
 Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch! 00-00-59We are now only 20 minutes away from arriving in Houston. For the night we got stuck in a little bit of traffic, so made the trip about an hour longer than we expected, but we’re almost there and super super excited to fly out to Orlando tomorrow. We’Ll probably stop at Dustin on the way home to split up the drive a little bit and then Houston. Then I’ll have the truck back in Banda to make some cool videos with at the dealership got the rolling black fridge and we just stopped for some tacos to wrap up the day. It is currently 6:00 a.


In the morning and we’re going to go ahead and hop in at Uber and get headed over to the Houston Airport and start off the day and our Uber has arrived, it is currently 7:20 our plane boards at 8:00. We just got to the airport so we’re going to go through check in and hopefully it goes real fast and we can hop on the plane and get headed over to Orlando Florida and before we hop on the flight, we’re going to grab some breakfast best way To start off the morning is with some chicken minis before we hop on the flight. We just finished eating and we’re about to go board the flight and for some reason, this flight was only $ 51. I bet you can’t guess what airline it was on and I spent an extra $ 20 and I got row s so we’re about to go head over to the gate and hop on the plane, but drop a comment down below what airline you think we’re flying On today – and you may be asking why why I booked this flight, but it was actually the only flight available for today when I see a good deal on a truck and find something I want.

I go out and fly out the next day to get the deal done, so you know I had to bring the any Lev hoodie for this trip and you probably guessed it, but we’re going on Spirit Airlines. We are good to go and loading on the flight. A little over 2 hours of flight time and he’s going to meet us there with the truck. So let’s go ahead, get this flight knocked out all right. Our flight has arrived in Orlando Florida and we’re about to get headed over to ground transport.

He’S going to meet us in the any level and pull up so we’re going to go check it out. We survived on our flight. I don’t know how it was only $ 70, but I’m going to take it. It’S the same thing as a regular commercial flight. I didn’t really think much was different.

Besides the seats kind of sucked other than that $ 70 flight can’t complain, and now we wait for him to arrive outside. Also the guy telling me this truck has been super easy to work with. He made this process a breeze and he even got the entire truck detailed for me, professionally inside and outside so big. Thank you to John for that and we’re going to wait a couple minutes and he’s going to arve, perfect timing to pick us up and check out the any level we’re kind of lost. We went from floor 3 to floor 1 and now we’re going to floor.

Two, but I think this is the spot, we’ll find the truck here. We go level two. Oh my gosh. I see it yo. Let’S go check that thing out here.

It is all right, guys. Here’S my brand new 2022 F450 King Ranch on the any Lev lift and 30s. Let’S go ahead, hop in take it down the road and get this deal. done! That’S awesome! Yo! What’S up man? How are you oh?
 Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch! 00-00-59It looks so good dude. I’M excited all right. We are sitting inside my new any L truck and man is this thing just so sweet. I’M super excited to finally have an any L. Duy.

I’Ve never had a duy before like this. This is just a one-of-a-kind built truck all the stuff. That’S done to it that I’m going to show youall and give you a full walk around here in a little bit is just phenomenal right. Now we’re going to make a drive over to dtin Florida, which is on the way home. It is a 6-hour drive to get there, so we’re going to go ahead and knock out this road trip during the flight.

I was super tired, but now I’m kind of hyped up. We just got done with John, and he made this process super easy. I got them all paid and we’re about to hit the road and see how this thing drives, because it is absolutely huge. This thing is super wide. The front has 2-in spacers and the rear has 5 in of spacers, which I’m probably going to take.
mini maxx V2 https://minimaxxtuner.comSome of that out, because it’s just a little bit too much and they even pulled up in a pink caddy. That thing is pretty sweet but big thanks to them for making this just super easy and let’s go ahead and hop on the road all right guys. We’Ve been driving the truck for about an hour now down the highway, and I got to say I’m very impressed with how good this thing drives, especially with how wide and how big this truck is. But it is the any L lift and I got to say I’ve always been impressed with all the now four that I’ve owned and every time I sell one. I always want another one.

So here we are again back where we started and we’re 10 minutes away from stopping for a nice, late lunch and then we’ll get back on the road, and we have about 4 and 1/2 hours to dtin we’re going to find a good hotel, hopefully make it Before the sunset go to the beach and kind of just relax, I used to do all these trips and just never stop, except for the gas station and just haul through all the way I used to drive from Texas to South Carolina all the time. But now I’m going to try and make it a little bit more enjoyable we’re going to split it up into three different parts of travel per day. So today we’re going to make it to Destin and hopefully have a good time and then tomorrow, in the morning, hop back on the road and drive some more 19 hours. Total it’s going to be a long drive. Hopefully nothing happens, knock on wood.

We don’t have no wood in here so far very impressed and I’m really happy with this purchase. There’S only a couple little things that I want to change on the truck once I get it back home overall, I think it’s going to make a really cool addition to all the day in the life videos that I do on my other social media platforms. If yall enjoying the video so far drop a like and comment down below other than that, we’re going to stop for lunch and get back on the road and a little chicken and dumplings for lunch all right guys here is my new 2022 F450 King Ranch on An anyl lift kit and 30X 16 wheels and tires here’s the truck basically dropped all the way down. It has fog, front and rear replacement bumpers with four LED pods, completely paint match, Grill headlights, side, Badges and all the things paint matched on 30X 16 Max Forge Wheels with floaters bike lug nuts, 42x, 16, 1/2x 30 Fury mud tires, and I love how all the Suspension is Chrome plated underneath all the springs and the overlays. This thing just looks so so crazy dropped all the way down the front has 2in spacers and on the rear.

I believe it has 2 in on the inside and 3 in in between the two wheels and tires, which I’m probably going to take some of that out, because it’s kind of extreme look how much the tire sticks out of this truck. We’Re probably going to get pulled over for no mud flaps a couple times on the way home. It’S also got the flog bumper on the rear. With the spike covers for the bolts LED backup, reverse pods, Morimoto black tail lights, we got the huge geny drop hitch. That’S also Chrome plated and then the any L system is in the bed in the toolbox.
 Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch! 00-00-59I’M going to get all these stickers torn off once we get home also but man. I love how this truck looks, I’m so excited to get it home and do a couple little different things on it and inside the interior. It’S got that nice, King Ranch, leather and it’s in just perfect condition, not a single scratch on the inside at all. It’S even actually got the plastic still on the little plaque for the King Ranch. Then you got your switch Pro System right here, of course, to control all the lift kit, and this truck only has 8,300 M on it, which is super low for a 2022 got your panoramic sunroof your auxiliary switches, and I got 20 % windshield tint, then ceramic Tint on all these sides as well and, of course, when you need diesel, there’s someone always blocking the PFF.

What is and finally, we can pull up and fill up, big old jump down, and luckily the tank is pretty big. It holds about 48 gallons cuz. The fuel mileage is not the greatest. With these huge tires, it gets about 10 to 11 m per gallon, but I’m going to get it all topped off and then continue on the road and got the truck topped off. We can get back on the road and knock out the rest of the trip over to Dustin Florida.

I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had people recording the truck while we’ve been driving down the road right now, these guys just stopped and rolled down their Windows next to us and told us to drop down to any level. So as we should, we dropped it down, we showed them how it worked and they were just laughing. It was super awesome at least the 20th time we’ve got people recording the truck cuz. This thing is just crazy, easy, but, to be honest, this drive has not been bad at all in the scenery over here in Florida and on the way it’s just super pretty so it’s kind of been a fun way to get away from the dealership and away From work, while kind of still working cuz we’re promoting the dealership and getting a new truck to make all the videos get a ton more views. So I’d say it’s a win-win: a trip for work and vacation, all right guys.
2003-2007 Powerstroke 6.0L EGR Upgrade Kit (93100)8 just stopped on the side of the road to get a couple pictures before we finish the rest of this 2-hour road trip up and man. This thing just just looks way too good, I’m so happy with this purchase, and I can’t wait to do a lot with this thing, so guys stay tuned. Let me know if you have any suggestions of what you want to see done to this truck. I know. There’S already, basically everything you could do to it, but definitely get those stickers off put some prime motor Coast stickers on there, and it’s already even got rock lights.

Everything’S lit up underneath and it just looks awesome also. I want to hear what y’all think we should name the truck down below in the comments and, if you enjoying the video so far drop a like And subscribe for more videos. I want to start doing some more YouTube videos for y’all full length days in the life and everything. So let me know. I just got finished, doing some videos of this truck and man.

This thing just looks way too good. Go ahead and knock out the last two hours of driving today for the trip it’s currently 7:30. At night. We are 30 minutes away from Dustin Florida. I already got the hotel and everything booked we’re going to stop and get a nice dinner before we get to the hotel, hopefully get some good seafood or something I can’t get back at home and then I’ll show you all the truck when we get to the Restaurant all lit up at night time, because it’s already got some awesome Rock lights, underneath it that make it look like a spaceship rolling down the road and check out the rock lights lighting up underneath the truck.
 Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch! 00-00-59It probably looks so cool rolling down the highway and we are only 2 minutes away from grabbing some food super hungry and we just made it to Destin Florida. We’Re going to go ahead, get some seafood at Surf Hut and then head to the hotel and call Aon night. We got 9 hours of driving to dude tomorrow and check out how good this thing looks parked outside at night. This thing has a ton of rock lights on it. I think it has actually over 20 lights, with 36 LEDs in every single Rock light, so it is lit up very nicely and it’s so nice to have all the rock lights already installed.

So I don’t have to do it because I am sick and tired of installing Rock Lights. I’Ve installed way too many on trucks before, but let’s go ahead and go inside and grab some food. Oh, I can’t wait to eat this, I’m so hungry and it looks so good so hungry and the dinner spot was right on the beach, so we’re going to go check it out. Cuz Destin has one of the best beaches. In my opinion, I’d say that is definitely one of the best ways to rrap up a day, super relaxing so much better.

Now that I split up the trip we’ll have time to sleep and knock out the trip tomorrow and headed to the hotel to call it a night and we have made it to the hotel for the night. So we’re going to get some sleep and then grab some breakfast in the morning and then head back out. We got 9 hours to Houston and then the next day I will drive another 4 and 1 half hours to band, we’ll be back at Prime motco and ready to go back to work. Look how good this thing looks. This truck is an absolute rig, so we’re going to double park it.

So no one messes with it. It is currently 6:30 in the morning and before we take off for the day, we’re going to go head outside, go walk down to the beach check out. The sunrise and then get on the road before we go on a walk, I’m going to go, drop off my bags and my truck, and hopefully overnight nothing happened to it outside a hotel parking lot, because that is is always pretty sketchy but we’ll see and there She is, and from afar she looks good and up close, she looks even better. Luckily, nothing happened last night now today I could finish off my drive 9 hours to Houston and then the rest, the following day, we’re going to go ahead, load our bags up and then go to the beach before the sunrises and after walking like for about 3 Minutes now we probably should have drove but good way to start the morning. Nice walk we’re almost there.

I can start to hear the ocean waves and we made it found a walkway to get right onto the beach. I typically don’t like beaches in sand, but Destin Florida just has a special place in my heart, because this is one of the best beaches in the world. The sand is just so soft and feels so good. I wish we could almost stay a couple more days, but I got to get back to Old Bandera, but wow. This is so pretty and we came at the perfect time.

The sun’s just about to rise so hopefully get a good sunrise, and we got here about 30 minutes early because the sun is barely starting to rise. Well, we’ve waited a little bit over an hour now and it seems that it’s just a pretty overcast day. So it’s going to take a while, so we’re going to goe down the road, get some more pictures of the truck, and hopefully the sun rises. But if not it’s going to have to be another trip to Destin. Sometime back to the truck, we go grabbing a quick coffee to start off the morning morning.
 Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch! 00-00-59We just made it back to the truck we’re going to go, find a cool spot to take some more pictures, then hop on the road and get this trip started for another long day of driving. Of course, this truck has no floor mats, so we’re going to get sand everywhere, but that’s Okay, we just got some awesome pictures at this huge, Marina and now we get to cross over over this extremely large bridge, and you can see the sun still has not Rose, because it is extremely cloudy outside today and kind of nasty out. But it definitely feels a lot better than hot Texas, so I’m not going to complain. So luckily we didn’t wait because we would have been waiting forever for the sun to rise.

For today, we’ve got 580 M on the road it’ll take about 8 and 1/2 hours. It says we’ll be there around 4:40, but I’m thinking a little bit after 5 or so so stay tuned, we’re going to grab a quick drink and breakfast at the driveth through at McDonald’s we barely fit, but we’re going to make it work. We are literally so tall compared to the window. Look at this all the way down there and before we get back on the road, we’re going to stop and fill up and eat our food. That way, we got a full tank and you just can’t go wrong with the sausage, egg and cheese MCG griddle $ 15 later and we’re ready to go on the road and I even found some Cajun boiled peanuts.

Finally, we’ve made our way outside of the Florida state line and made our way into the Alabama state line with 500 miles left on the trip. We’Re passing over another massive bridge in Mobile Alabama almost to Mississippi and we’re about to go through a tunnel. And we are now passing from Alabama into Mississippi: we’ve got 6 hours left to go to Houston, just made a quick stop at a rest area in the security office. Right here was just walking around the entire truck checking it out just right outside the rest area. There’S a cool little scenic view spot, so I’m going to stretch my legs for the rest of the 6 hours of driving and back to more driving.

We go and we got some energy drinks. Thank you, and now we’re just passing into Louisiana, Got 5 hours and 20 more minutes to go and we’re about to fill up the truck one more time to make it all the way to Houston. So I don’t have to stop once I get closer to Houston, because it’s probably going to be a little bit of traffic over there and we had a guy over here, giving us some thumbs up. I swear everywhere. You take this truck, it’s just nothing, but people.

Looking and good reactions and people love it. We are just passing over the Mississippi River, huge  Bridge, one of my favorite parts of the drive. Just can’t imagine how this thing was even stay. The we’ve got four more hours on the drive got to get some boan. Oh yeah.

I can’t stop in Louisiana without getting some buan, I’m so excited. I haven’t had buan in forever. I got some crawfish once just like. I remembered absolutely delicious. If you’re ever passing through Louisiana make sure you definitely get some BO down, we are now passing over the Lake Charles bridge and we are 2 hours away, I’m stopping at Houston for the night.
 Buying My Fourth Anylevel Truck! 2022 F450 King Ranch! 00-00-59And finally, finally, we are passing into Texas a step closer to home and I only have an hour and a half left of driving today, only 18 minutes away right now, but it is pouring down, but luckily we’re going to be done with the driving for today. In just a little bit update, we have finally made it to Houston for the night and I’m so excited to be done driving for the day and to be able to split it up till tomorrow. So I’m going to take a shower, get some food and call the night and of course, after driving through all that rain, the truck is going to be filthy. Once I get home, I’m going to have to get it all washed off and I finally got some razor blades, so I can remove all these decals. Once I get back home, I already got some Chrome Prime motco stickers being made, so I can throw those on and all these stickers are finally off the truck.

So I can put the prime motorco and Ford 64 stickers and we got 4 hours of driving to get back to Prim motorco in Bandera, so not much left to go and I split it up into 3 days. So it’s not a bad drive at all and I’m happy that we’re finally going to be home and we got 2 and 1/2 hours left of driving going to fill up for the last time on the entire trip and that’ll get us all the way home and Back on the road we go going to grab a quick lunch. While we continue on the road, some Popeyes we’re taking this thing to the drive-thru, barely squeezing through here the drive-thru there we go bag secured and one more hour left until we are at the dealership. We’Re currently passing through San Antonio Texas, so I feel a lot closer to home boom and just like that, I finally back to the dealership in Bandera, Texas, what a long drive I am so happy to be back here and home. Finally, and while we were gone, the guys were getting some deals done.

We got some trucks getting sold, but guys that’s going to wrap it up for today’s video picking up this new 2022 F450 any level if youall enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like down below comment. Let me know what you think about the new truck and, if you haven’t already subscribed to the channel for more videos coming soon but other than that I’ll see youall next time. Oh

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