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Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab!

 Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab! 
https://minimaxxtuner.comHello welcome back, and today we got a little bit bored because we have a lot of rock lights and I haven’t got my new wheel liners yet so I thought why don’t we just Place Rock lights wherever we can right now, and that is going to be The project for today, so we have literally um 200 Rock lights uh, I think, there’s two in each box and now we can just start taking these things and mounting them absolutely wherever. So this is my thought here I take about 10 of them out of the 200 and I’m going to mount them on the inside of the bed. So we’ll Mount them like right here or maybe underneath there honestly that way at night time, when you’re loading up the goose sck or whatever you may be doing, we have an ample amount of lighting inside of the beds. The question is now is: how are we going to run these and that is going to be grab a soft Tapper smack it through? There pray that it doesn’t come out of the other side of the paint and just start wiring them together.

I guess, and just like that one rough light’s installed how many more we can smack on the bed. I think maybe like four on each side, maybe I’ll wire, all these lights into, like the third brake light like when you turn on a little button inside the cab, and it turns on like a white light into the bed, make it where you click that button And that turns on, and just like that magic happens, I think it’s time we now clean the inside of the bed up. I know that little like garage door deal for the bed. Cover needs to be repainted, get a bed mat for it definitely probably reor line the inside. That way, the sides look good when the bed mats down I’ve been debating whether or not take the fifth wheel rails out and do an under the bed gooseneck hitch for it having the rails are nice in case.
mini maxx V2 https://minimaxxtuner.comI ever need to hook up anything else to this truck other than just a goose, but for now we’re going to get the whole bed cleaned out, paint the hole inside the bed, one solid, fresh color. That way we put the bed mat down on this that’ll. All be covered and the sides will look fresh all right now that we have the lights installed on the bed. I’Ve been waiting to do this project for a very long time now, and that is the Billet valve cover the intake horn, the CCV reroute. We got some dummy plugs some fitting some bolts, but I’ve been waiting a long time to get this stuff done to the motor, don’t mind the nasty motor right now I was going to buy a new fan shroud for it, but I want to do electric cooling Fans on it, I’m just trying to find a good side of elure cooling fans that will actually work, because I’ve had some friends in the past that bought cooling fans and they stopped working and they’re trucked overheat and that did not end well.

Take the crank case. Vent off pull the valve cover off. I have to get all this stuff. Unhooked unplugged the throttle body comes out. This whole intake comes out and I’ll be able to mount that new fancy intake onto there, and this thing should run a lot smoother because it’ll be less restricted.
 Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab! 
https://minimaxxtuner.comSo let’s get this off and this off and then we will slap that new stuff on [ Music. ] in take corn is on that’s installed, everything’s tightened down just tighten up the Boost tube bolt in the sensor right there. Now we can slap the valve cover on it. Just like that, we got the valve cover on it. I blocked off that back.

Breather. Put the fitting on this one to where I can either run that to right here back to the stock intake or we can do the CCV reroute. That looks a lot better. I know we got to clean up the engine bay eventually we’ll get to it. We second gen, swap it do everything clean it all up, get The Rat’s Nest out of there.
h&s mini maxx tuner https://minimaxxtuner.comOnce I get a switch panel for all the lights and stuff, it did send out a nice Billet oil cap for the valve cover, which is nice screws in very easily a lot better than the stock plastic, one that they have on these trucks from the factory. I did go ahead and install the CCV reroute with little filter. On top of this valve cover, I still have to get a catch. Can that I’ll probably Mount up there somewhere or over here somewhere and when that’s done, that plug will come out it’ll run from there around here to the catch can. But this looks a lot better now now that we have all that nasty stock stuff out of there.

The intake manifold should have a lot less restrictions, because right now this looks like a 3-in pipe all the way from the head to the tube versus this stock. One that is very, very restricted. There’S like no opening. This thing is filled up with carbon buildup and whatever nasty stuff, these EGR systems put out on these trucks, but now that all this stuff is done, the engine based stuff is done. For now, we can get into installing all the new rock lights on this truck, I’m still trying to decide how many lights to put on it.
 Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab! 
https://minimaxxtuner.comI think I’m just going to start putting them all over the truck and placing them where I did before anywhere that there’s Shadows. I will Mount the light there to get rid of the Shadow, but we’ll probably do three or four in each wheel. Well. 1. 2.

3, four five along the side of the cab one in front of the bed here, obviously four back here and probably three along the back put some over the axles over the center of the truck, and this thing will be back to looking like an absolute spaceship. Here in a little bit, and just like that 15 hours later, we have 46 Rock lights installed on the mega cab, and this thing is absolutely stupid bright at night time, so we got five in this wheel, liner, there’s three along the front. I think down here. There’S like seven or eight that run from right there all the way down to the bed. There’S one in the corner bed right here, obviously five back there so that wheel, liner on back here here there was four along the back, obviously, on the passenger side same as the driver’s side.
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https://minimaxxtuner.comThis thing is an absolute spaceship at night time and I can’t wait to see this truck lit up at night time with my gooseneck, this trailer’s gabes, but when my trailer’s lit up with this truck and that truck lit up on the trailer we’ll be rolling down The road with like probably 150 Rock lights, which is absolutely insane. We have the big truck with us, we’re going to infinite customs. Of course they got a new product that should help me drive this truck a lot easier being that it’s about 15 ft in the air. It’S very difficult to see your surroundings, so we are installing something that will definitely help that so I’m going to get this truck unloaded drive it over by the shop and then I will show you guys what we have in store for this one. It needs big, injectors and twin turbos.

Every time you guys pull up, you guys got something new, be Clos man. I brought you every time you guys pull up we’re closed. I brought you your next project. You got to change the tires of 30s and 58s and then do like 400 Rock lights. You going do the rock lights, yeah they’re done!
 Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab! 
https://minimaxxtuner.comOh, you haven’t even seen them yet yeah. There’S like a lot on here. Yeah we’re your clothes every time random pulls up on this we’re closed officially, lock the doors turn the compressors off. That’S it they have, for us is a wolf box and what a wolf box is is a rearview mirror that mounts obviously upside the cab, and that allows us to put a couple of different things on it, which number one is a rear camera we’ll probably Mount This somewhere, I don’t know where and that’ll – allow this whole entire screen right here to display everything that is back here. So it’s kind of like a backup camera way better quality, and then it has a front camera on it too, that you can see the front of the truck, and this also does dash recording so say that someone comes in front of me.

They slam on their brakes and they get eaten alive by a monster truck. That won’t be my fault, because I have the wolf box from infinite Customs installed on it, and I think there was an SD card or something that you can get this to connect right to your phone and then it records and downloads to your phone as well. So, while they’re installing this we’re going to run back to the house, because I have one more thing to do to the mega cab before I come back and pick up, this truck just got the mega cab back to the house and we got a package Ling Here inside the driveway it says liners truck bed liners, meaning we have a bed mat for the mega cab. Finally, so let’s get this box open and check it out huge shout out to these guys for coming through and sending us this. I cannot wait to get this installed.

I got to pull my goose neck rail out, really quick and then I’m going to mount that on top of the bed liner. That way, we don’t have to cut a big hole right there, but this thing should look a lot better in the bed, especially since now that we have all those lights underneath there at night time, it’ll look a lot better with the light shining down on a Nice bed floor so the first thing we have to do before we install this bed liner is take the plate off for the goose neck and then we got to pull. I think there’s five bolts on each rail holding the rails down and I’m going to install the bed liner onto the floor and I put the rails back through the top of the bed liner down that way. The bed liner isn’t cut, or anything I mean I do have to drill some holes through it. That way, I can still use the gooseneck ball to tow my trailer and unfortunately I don’t have a turnover ball and if I did, I just have to cut the little circle hole out.

But I want to keep the bed liner as much intact as possible and if I was to cut around those rails, there’d be a strip cut out right there and right there and honestly. This bed, liner, is just way too nice to go chopping up and then setting over that. So we’re going to pull these out lay that in we’re going install those there, it is set that right there and then now we can unbolt the rail. We have now removed this rail and that rail is sitting up there, we’re going to vacuum out the bed and then we’ll be able to take this set it inside of there wow bed liner is laid down down. Now.
 Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab! 
https://minimaxxtuner.comI can position it exactly where I want it, then I do it to drill. A couple holds that go through it to Mount the rails. Huge shout out to LZ fit liners for sending out this bed mat. Bed, liner is in all the holes, are drilled for the rails. We just have to go underneath now and get the nuts put on the bolts tighten those up, and then I’m probably going to clean up the inside the bed.

Where, like all that nasty color is probably just paint, it gloss black for now, and then the bed will be done and just like that everything is done inside the bed went ahead and just did gloss black around it. For now, liner is very nice and it’s honestly, weird having a nice cover on the bottom of the bed, because this bed is very dented from me, literally abusing it every single day throwing stuff inside here that probably shouldn’t be thrown inside of a truck bed. I will definitely be running one of these Liners in every bet from here on out. It fits perfect. It looks very nice, it is very durable and I’m sure that it will wash off very easy when I go to wash out of the bed versus having to scrub every time.

The bed floor, which obviously gets stain because the factory Liners in these trucks are garbage, but this one right here solves that problem again huge shout out to them for sending this out. But with that being said, you guys are probably wondering what I am doing with this old raggedy beat up tailgate on this truck, went ahead and picked up a fifth gen tailgate. It needs some body work, I’m going to debadge a 4×4. I might debadge this and weld in a plate and smooth that out, so it’s a full shaved. Fifth gen tailgate.

I have to somehow get my fourth gen camera mounted into that hole, because this tailgate does not have a camera inside of it, but this one does speaking of cameras we’re going to head back up to infinite because they called me yesterday about 4 hours after I Dropped off the big truck and said: hey you coming to grab this thing. I was like wait. It’S already done, they’re like yeah. It was done like 2 hours ago, so let’s go grab the trailer hook, that up and right up to infinite and look at that new camera system. On that truck arrived back at the wonderful infinite Customs Mega cabin Goose next parked down there going to walk over here and see what got installed on the so first time, seeing the new mirror: wolf box.
 Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab! 
https://minimaxxtuner.comOkay, that is sick, so it should be the same style as gabes inside of his Aventador. Oh yeah. You can move it down and up swipe over. We have both cameras, so it has the front- facing camera, obviously right there on the mirror that is actually sick. There’S zooming options you can switch to seeing the front 4K recording, which I pull the SD card out comes right to my phone.

I think this thing might always record. I could be wrong, but oh no, I think I tap the corner. I don’t know I got to learn how to use it, but this is absolutely insane now that I can actually see like look at that car coming around. I can see exactly who’s back there now there he is up front. It’S almost like having a ring camera on your house, but you have one inside your truck.

That is actually insane. I can see everything behind me now, but we are cruising the big truck out around infinite shop. We should probably go back because I am not familiar with this area, nor the cops liner looks absolutely amazing at night time with all the light shining. It’S a lot easier now that I can see looking through my rearview mirror, to tell where the next hooking up the goose neck. So once again shout out to them for sending us the bed liner, we got the big truck loaded up, got the mega cab, telling the big truck obviously, and we have 45 Rock lights on the mega cab.

I don’t know how many are on the trailer and I think, there’s 26 on the big truck. I could be wrong. There could be more on that, but this thing is absolutely stupid. Bright at night time, like I said five in each wheel. Well, I still have to split up the power to where each side of the truck has its own power and they’ll be a lot brighter right now, they’re kind of dim, because Brandon decided to hook up 1,000 Rock lights on one 16 gauge wire, probably not the Smartest idea, but it is on a few, so if something does happen, it will blow the fuse, but that stupid, bright GES do little beautiful, stupid, bright, badass trailer.
 Insanely Upgrading This Lifted Megacab! 
https://minimaxxtuner.comBy the way I actually really enjoy telling this trailer, especially with the extended neck. I don’t have to worry about the tailgate smashing the neck like it has before with my Lamar. Big truck is a lot easier to drive now with the backup camera that is installed on the back of it right here. Actually, it’s not a backup camera. It’S a mirror camera which is always on when you’re driving.

So that’s pretty sick. I am going to add a camera on the the front of the truck like underneath the bumper or something that way I can see exactly in front of me cuz right now. The wolf box is, it has a camera on the front of it, which is nice, because you can record like a dash, cam and still be able to see it all. At the same time, it’s not just one that just recorded you don’t have a screen, so that definitely helps when driving that truck. But that’s going to end today’s video be sure to like subscribe comment.

Let me know what you guys: think of the mega cab and what I should do next, and I will see you guys in the next one.

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