Mini Maxx XRT Pro Tuner HDMI connector replacement and soldering
Here we have an xrt minimax tuner that came in for an hdmi port repair. I can tell the hdmi port is loose and this one is expedited. Customer is paying 49 more, so we can expedite the service for him. We got it today and we’re going to fix it today and mail it back to him today after we invoice the customer. So let’s start by opening this device.
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Okay, so the first time you open up the device, it’s a little bit difficult. We have to go in between the scene here and then pop it open from all edges all right, so the device is opened right here we’re going to disconnect the screen. I have candy in my mouth, so the hdmi connector the pins. They look solid. We do not see any loose pins, nothing broken, but the problem is the hdmi connector internally.
Look at this: it’s broken internally. Let’S go ahead and desolder this hdmi connector replace it. So we can ship it back to the customer today. We’Re gon na use normal solder. Just like that, what what the legs are not even soldered the lights are broken: okay right, there broken legs, let’s clean the front pads using this amazing wick, flip the board and we’re gon na desolder.
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Those three points here: let’s see if it’s possible to this solder, unleaded solder and i think it’s possible because we do not have a lot and the board is not very thick and we are using a great trick. So a combination of the three makes it possible to wake off unless it’s holder from the holes – and we have the legs still stuck in here and now. We are ready to solder a new hdmi connector and we have a brand new connector here and just a little bit from here. Now that the front is held in place, let’s flip the board. Look at that nice joint just a little bit more and let’s do this one.
What do you think is it better than factory or what flip the board down? Let’S finish the front: we’re gon na have to add more solder onto the tip for the right side. Here let me just see if all the pins made a connection, solid, solid, solid, solid, all the way anything loose, and i don’t think so. The pins do not have the courage to be loose. They just do not have the courage.
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All i can tell you is awesome and today i’m wearing an awesome shirt. My wife got me the shirt and she felt like this shirt fits me perfect how to be awesome in three steps. Practice practice be me. I would take this out and i would write be yourself: that’s what i would do deja my port has a cap over it. I’M gon na keep it on the customer can take it out, so we send it to him in a better than factory condition.
okay, let’s go over it one more time, solid, very nice, very good, awesome, amazing, great beautiful, solid! Thank you. Buddy alex solid, solid, beautiful, great amazing, fascinating glamorous and let’s take a look at those joints that we soldered the three legs in the back and look how beautiful that is. Look at this look at this okay, so the job is done.
I just need to reassemble the screen and reassemble the motherboard inside the casing and we should be good okay, so everything is locked closed. Okay, so let’s go ahead and test it just power it on make sure it powers on , but uh. The hdmi that we changed has nothing to do with the powering on of the device, but i just wanted to make sure the device is powering on before we mail it back and that’s it job is done. I hope you enjoyed the video, don’t forget to like and subscribe and we’ll do something else in the next video you