MiniMaxx V1&V2 tuner Wholesale & Dropshipping GO
Alrighty fellas, you were probably not expecting this video to come. This quick, I’m selling the Ford today is the last day I’m gon na have to sport in my possession. So here we go. I’M gon na make it a two-part Series, so the first one is going to be fairly uh, quick and short, not so in detail, and then the second one I’d like to get into technical details. Why?
I made my decision why I decided what I decided so first things. First, is this Ford still awesome? Absolutely I really like this Ford and I’ve said it before I’m a set again if far exceeded my expectations. So with that being said, kind of begs to ask the question: why would I get rid of it? Why would I even if I like so much right?
Why would I get rid of this beauty? Um, it’s not the truck. I need stop the truck. I want some days, it is the truck I want, but for the most part, what I need a truck for this is not it. I’Ve said it in the past and a lot of you guys comment, comment and said: hey, you know you haven’t personally owned it.
You haven’t personally driven it. I still stand by the same Theory. Nothing changed. I just got more details and more in depth. Why?
I say what I say about jam and I why I say what I say about Ford um, there’s more good to Ford. Let’S put it this way, Ford impressed me a lot further than jammed and I, like Jim, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’S time place for it, but the short version of it Jim, is a very s, ensitive kind of truck it ain’t, no rugged truck. It’S not the truck. You uh put a gooseneck on it and go to a construction site and drive all the boulders and stuff and expect the thing to last guys.
My OG limited is around 500. 000 is the first time I actually touched suspension, but we’ll we’ll folks on those details on another one I’ll get you one I’ll get you an updators on that too. Do you guys know what triple thought Jim? Oh man, I think it’s just not gon na. Last.
Logically, an experience I got a few guys, they love their jams, but they say the same thing: 120, 000, better, be digging into that front. End Ford, hot rod, fun truck! It’S not a it’s a sprinter, it’s not a long Runner I’ll! Just leave it up there. Absolutely fun truck since this video is about this truck.
Let’S uh dive into a little bit more I’ll. Give you a really short version, so you can hang up uh. What’S the deal with this board too much of a hot rod way too much of a hot rod, not enough of a slow and steady uh too much go, not enough break simple as that trucks. You know what I’m talking about. So, let’s go a little bit more detailed uh I’ll, go through a few pointers, not so in depth, but I’ll give you I’ll talk about a few things.
So, first things first, what do I like about it into this video I’ll? Tell you exactly why I got rid of it and then in another video I’ll, give you all the technological uh mechanical aspects of why I got rid of it. So hopefully that makes sense to you guys absolutely like this truck. I still stand that this is one of the best trucks I’ve owned. This is a very fun truck.
This is a in my books. This is the best all-around truck as far as uh. If you had to pick one truck one truck only, it would be this truck. I’M impressed with what four did yeah there’s a little electrical issues. You know it doesn’t show you when you hit some Park this.
The super seat belt warning thing is so, it’s beyond me. I am parked. I am sitting there and I want to watch my temps nope. It’S still complaining that your passengers have unbuckled the dumbest thing. Ever you open and close the door a couple times, it’ll get over it.
It’S just it’s little things like that. That irritate me. I, like the fact you know if the driver isn’t buckled up and he decides to drive, what’s up, yeah it’ll bang at you a couple times and go from there next point, I like excuse me, I’m certain things about this truck. I like the way it rides hell. I like Ford, leaving the stupid gas cap on the filler neck Ram.
Please please give us a normal filler neck, a stupid filler neck with two valves cost so much issues. Ah, don’t get me started anyways, just simple things like that. I appreciate Ford for building a more traditional. If you call it them a little bit more of the old school mindset to it. You know the way the doors are the way the seals are um.
You don’t always have to be latest and greatest in technologically advanced. I hate jump into this extreme, but look at let’s take Toyota Land Cruiser right. You could talk about your Range Rovers all day and how fancy and wonderful they are your Ford Expeditions but they’re junk compared to a Land Cruiser when it’s life and destitute situation, you don’t screw around. Well, it’s life and death you’re out in the desert. You don’t buy a Range Rover, not that I’m back, you know, but you guys know what I’m trying to say.
There’S good range out there, but as a lump sum, they’ve built themselves a poor reputation as far as reliability. But then, if you’re, just that soccer mom that you know drives from the house to the mall or takes the kids to school and you stick to payment, yeah Lancers will never come close to that Range Rover as far as bells and whistles and amended. So pick your battles and stick to them. That’S all I’m trying to say I’m trying to get me a diesel truck back wall, uh, Lock and Load, and what I mean by that you know you hook up a gooseneck and you go. All I want is a working truck.
I I’m not the guy that needs an everyday truck. I don’t care to drive a diesel every day. I absolutely love my little Mega cabin. It worked out just fine for me, but I far rather drive my TRX right now. My little Ram terrex, it’s it’s a much funner softer, quieter, quicker ride than this Ford ever will be.
Now with that being said, so you guys see where I’m headed. When I buy a diesel, I want diesel. Yes, it’s definitely nice, it’s trucks fast, but it it can only go so fast with the gooseneck and it tries to go really fast, and that scares me. The transmission scares me uh oil leaks and the potential of oil leaks of this truck in their history scares me. I had the opportunity to sit down with a long time, Ford, guy and he’s the guy that helped me the come to a conclusion, because I had a lot of questions to want to answer them.
You know a lot of things have never been addressed till today’s date. So that’s why I’m walking away with oh, that’s why I’m walking away from Ford. My longtime viewers know that I bought a Ford, because I’ve had a hell of a variety with the 22 Rams. Much around got 22s matter of fact. I think I might be selling no they’re, not my last two still have four more model year of 22.
oday. I think I’m going to sell two of them today. Zombie, all I’ll have two more to go and I’ll just stick to a little different women until the ram wakes up. That’S not the point. The point is this truck was focused on an all-around, the best all World scenario.
You know it’s. It’S quiet, it’s fairly uh. If you go to the top, you know upper trim, it’s very luxurious plenty of power, and it just that perfect world middle of the road all size fits it all kind of scenario. I would pick the Ford if I was the guy now Jim leans, towards more luxury, more softer, quieter Ride. Now re-m Rams is the tractor.
It’S slow. It is really slow compared to this Ford, just bopping around town pulling your booty around, but that’s not what happened? Diesel truck so hopefully this makes sense where I’m headed, slow locks and loads and just keeps on cruising them Cummins with a nice and just don’t fail. A big big killer on this Ford is the exhaust brake. It has a mind of its own holes unless you have this thing on cruise control.
It’S gon na do whatever it feels like doing. I I said I used to say like when you go downhill depending on the pitch guys. I was just going down a six percent Hill if any time it would be this time that I need my exhaust brake guess what decided not to kick in, and yes, it’s a manual yes well, it was right before lunch. I wasn’t tall now manico, but for a fact back then I guess you got to take my word for it. I’M coming down to six percent great, and this dude just doesn’t give a rat’s tail, I’m doing like 55 60.
h. If you guys know you get off of 82 on two or 84 on to 82 and then 82 onto 3.95 coming into Tri-Cities, it’s a good stretch there, it’s a good downhill got. Ta use your exhaust brake yeah. If you’re loaded, I got an empty trailer on my back, so nevertheless anyways you guys know what I’m trying to say.
That is a big deal. Breaker eat your exhaust brake. You need that engine working with you a little or a lot. You know in or out of tall, but when I get my exhaust brake on when I click that button and I want the exhaust brake on the stupid thing needs neon, but it’s not as a mic. That’S probably that’s.
Probably one of the biggest questions like okay. Do I want to proceed with this started? You know digging along and I just knocked the truck for me. Oh so, do I hate Ford? No, I very much like this truck.
Despite you know this big quote-unquote negative for me when I’m towing exhaust break is just mind of itself. Obviously now let me just leave it at this. The fact I want to wrap up this video to let you guys know that no, I’m not disappointed with Ford. This this board served exactly the purpose for what it was bought. It was bought to explore and understand what these 23s are about.
Yes, I’m very impressed by far yeah. Like I said, it’s exceeds my expectations by far and I really like this truck, but the bottom line is, I need a tractor. I need a pulling rig, not a hot rod. I need something that I could rely on day in and day out, something I don’t want to say abuse, but keep loaded 99 of the time. Like my fluid is that’s why I always buy the newest trucks test them out myself, see what I can find for a weak spot and see what works out.
So I buy these trucks for myself and then Lively trucks. Hey always falls I’ll. Just leave a video with that in the comment section. Let me know exactly what details you want me to go into. The bottom line is not a big issue, certain things about the engine that are questionable, uh they’re.
Definitely I could uh ate them. Just a little bit of money, the transmission definitely is going to need some help. So in the comment section, let me know how far you want me to get into details for you and what all you guys want to hear about it, but yeah I’ll just leave it at that, as always a little blessing. May you Almighty find that ciao until the next time,