Good morning we got to get the red truck fired up. It’S actually not the morning. It’S uh late start to the day late start, but if you got to start late better to start late than not start at all, there’s kayak in the back! Oh, oh yeah! Oh, it’s full water!
That’S not good! Oh look at that!, hey there, you, go huh. I can drain out all right so guys, um last upload, we finished the red truck. We did like tune change.
The tires um some just little. Little tweaks to the red truck just to get it a little more. You know up to par with the deal here, um anyways, so uh I’ve been driving this truck. It’S been really good, wow, it’s cold! Oh, look!
How cold! It is says. -40 um check engine lights still on on this truck because of the temp sensor in the mirror. I don’t know if it’s in the passenger or the driver um, so we got to get a you know either a sensor or go in there and and shut that off, but anyways what we have to do today we got to head down to the shop, we’re Going to get the Platinum wrapped up, um there’s a couple little things left on it to go I’ll, show you what I have done and what I have yet to to finish and then um. That thing will be ready ready for what I’m not sure.
But let’s go it’s a cold one. Today I don’t know if we’re going to light the fire or or what we’re going to do. Um might just crank on the uh the turbo heater torpedo, heater and uh and be done with it cuz it. It warms it up in here, pretty quick um, it’s an absolute wreck right now. We got a lot of lot of work to do in here.
It’S just one of those things. Oh so here’s the truck check it out. Look you can see. It looks a little different from where it’s been previously. I mean it’s back to like the OG look of it but um.
It hasn’t had these wheels on there in quite some time. I’Ve been battling a real nasty. You know like sinus infection cool deal over the past deal. I’Ve literally taken like a month a month off of YouTube um been stuck in the office. A lot just been doing random, stuff, um kind of kind of taking it easy, taking a little vacation.
If you’ll call it um right now, it’s about 40 41. Let’S call it in here, not terrible, but it’s a little chilly like to be working. I like it to be a little warmer to work on stuff, so uh, but it’ll heat it up. Pretty quick Bumper’s on you can see the bumper It’s on um, so we got the bumper um if you guys didn’t catch up with the speed. What what’s going on with this bumper here uh, we got the old bumper there.
It’S completely just hammered with rust. The paint started chipping on the edge and it just as you can see it’s just an absolute disaster um. So, instead of trying to fix that whatever I just got a new bumper, I found a primered one super cheap um. It was a brand new takeoff, no dents anything. It was literally brand new uh, so I got the primered one and then I just you know painted it paint matched it black here at the shop um.
So what I’m doing is I’m putting putting on the bumper um and what I did was I I used the uh plastic off of that bumper. It was a new bumper, but it’s like banged up, but there’s no going back now, because I don’t want to pull off this plastic and scratch the bumper. So I’m going to leave that uh. I was almost completely finalized with assembly here, and I realized that the the spare tire key lock the whole deal um was to the other bumper right, so the new bumper I didn’t have the key, for I have the key for the old one and you wouldn’t Be able to access the spare tire, so I had to pull off one side, I kind of let it hang down and there’s a little clip in here. You can pry this clip off um and get this out.
You know this is the retainer and there’s a little C clip deal that Clips on here and you can just pop that clip pull off this backing retainer and then you know, pull out the whole assembly to be able to swap in the new one. If you don’t have the key um, here’s my key, not sure which position it has to go in okay, so horizontal position. So this will go in like this, like that turn into the Locking position and boom you’re done cool. That was actually easier easier than I thought. So that’s going to stay there, that’s junk we ain’t using that don’t lose the key um.
Now I can set this back up on there. I had it like perfectly Square um, so whatever there is one plug here, what is this plug for? There’S one little blue plug still hanging out here that it kind of doesn’t look like it was in anything, but what the heck, where does it go all right? I got to figure out where that plug goes and then we’ll get this set back up all right. So good thing I caught that cuz.
That would have been an issue when you don’t want an issue. If you need a spare tire, you already got problems and then, if you can’t get to it, you got even more problems: um, so uh, bumpers, final final installed finally installed to the final position um. I went over it with some trim restore just to just to freshen it up, make it look a little better um. So there’s a there’s a paint chip here I don’t know if the go the GoPro is going to pick that up. So this is chipped.
So what I do with that, you know to keep it from spreading. You know it’s it’s ch, so the the chances of it spreading are pretty good um, but this works pretty good. This isn’t like a Sure Fire method. I’M going to take some uh Loctite rust. Neutralizer.
Put it over that. Let that dry that’ll give you a nice paintable surface. Then you can seal it off with some paint and it will definitely prolong the life of that and not you know let it continue to just rust out the whole receiver um. So anyways, I don’t know, there’s the bumper It’s. Finally, on the freaking truck, it’s been a long process like I said I don’t I I took literally a month off.
I would only you know, stop in and you know kind of putts around with stuff. So now that that’s done, you can see that the 14 wides are back on the truck. These are a 24x 14 with a 35 in Tire um. It’S a controversial look so before I put these on, I refinished them in the brushed finish so they they started off. Life is polished um.
You know, the Polish looks pretty good. There’S polished accent on the truck or whatever, but I really like a brushed look: black with brushed Wheels looks sick, so brushed them, and I refinished them because we, I did them. Probably I don’t know two years ago, 2, three years ago, uh, so I went back over front front Barrel, rear rear Barrel front and back with the wheels um kind of just re brushed them. They look pretty good they’re, pretty they’re pretty solid. Surprisingly, these tires, I mean, there’s a lot of miles on these things um, including a handful of burnouts, and I mean they’re still going super strong for for being such a.
You know a wide setup here: um, usually they wear out like outside or whatever, and they ride smooth and they wear they’re, they’re wearing, really good um, so yeah wheels are back on. I went over the engine bay, just kind of like a you know like a solid detail. I didn’t like go super super crazy, but I went enough where who’s calling me all right, so yeah, quick detail under the hood um polish, the pipes, so they were just you know they had some time on them and they were a little. You know like water, stain or whatever for running over the winter. Um polished Hot Side, cooled side, kind of just cleaned up everything, so basic under the hood detail, looks pretty good.
Uh went over some of the Chrome stuff and just kind of touched. This up. There was like some water spots and stuff on. There looks pretty good uh repolished, the bumper, because that was skipped when I did my paint correction on this, I skipped the bumper so paint corrected. The bumper uh put new coils on the front.
Those are icon, dual rate coils, very nice, coils um and then did a did. A quick, like you know, front fender, wheel, well, detail where cleaned up the frame made, it look nice and um. You know touched up some stuff. What’S super cool? Is you can take this is this is a very cool thing here that I do you can take this little Harbor Freight uh sprayer.
This is like the cheap touch-up gun. I think it was like literally 15 bucks. I put a regulator on it and that’s all I did with high flow fittings oops, I’m spilling so you take this and you put like a like a waterbased detailer. Now what I use is Maguire’s hyperd dressing. It works super good.
This is water-based. I dilute it. Just a tiny bit to spray, so it can spray a little bit easier out of there and what’s cool about that, is you don’t have to wipe it? You you can take that spray gun and you can just spray everything now. What you see under there is is what you get like.
I sprayed that in that’s the final product. I never wiped it. You can spray all that stuff and it’s good to go so I sprayed under there. I sprayed the top plastic cow. I sprayed the front here, um anything, that’s black, really, I sprayed it on and it lays a perfect layer because if you use the sprayer on here, it comes out very blotchy and you got to wipe it.
So if you would get into you know, like you’ll, have a bottle in here: you’ll have weird buildups under certain things, it’s very hard to spray that on an engine bay um, especially on the top plastic there, you can see all the nooks and crannies and divots It all sits in there and it’s hard to wipe it out put in that sprayer spray it on you’re done. It leaves a very fine layer and it just looks so good um, so yeah, basically just detailed the truck the paint Corrections done with the ceramic coating. Um there is a layer of dirt and dust on it right now, but it’s still like super glossy, so I’m just going to wipe it down really quick, uh clean the windows interior is done. Um. I got the floor mats behind the C10 over there um she’s, fully cleaned uh.
I can’t forget to wipe out the inside of the windshield. I always forget that, but yeah it came out really nice. It’S super clean Weather Tech in the back under the seat. I have the factory lugs front, license plate cover and then adapter for the receiver to go down to like a standard size, deal um, yeah truck trucks. The cleanest has been in a long time, but all right, I’m going wipe it down.
Do the windows. I will see you guys in the morning good morning next day, wow, it has been raining since early morning, all day, this is an absolute ton of rain. The yard’s sopping wet everything’s soaked Creeks are overflowing. I almost slipped we’re taking the single cab again we’re leaving the TRX parked. I got to find my key cold start action again and it’s cold, but it is not cold enough for snow.
If it would have been cold enough for snow, we would have a literal state of emergency of of Blizzard action, but anyways guys we got to go, get some fuel for the heater. I will see you at the gas station all right so for my torpedo heater. I just Run offroad diesel in the thing um it’s about 20 bucks to fill it up and between the wood burner. In this I only spend about 20 bucks a month in uh heating expense which isn’t too bad. I like to keep it pretty warm in there.
I got a little on the ground, allegedly 21. Something was it 21 bucks. I don’t know right around $ 20 and that last me about a month between running that and the wood burner. So that’s I don’t I don’t know, that’s pretty cheap. You know the the torpedo heater takes the the edge off in the time before I get the you know the wood burner, ripping it it uh.
It really supplements each other kind of kind of well. I don’t know I’ve been in there for a few years and that’s kind of the best system that I’ve figured out, that you know it’s kind of the easiest and also it’s pretty cheap um. You know the woods free comes with labor and then and then uh 20 bucks a month in fuel. I just run red off red diesel. In there you can run kerosene, whatever doesn’t really smell too bad doesn’t really put off too much of a smell.
So we’re good. I will see you at the shop. Everything is just so wet. You guys see the deer right there there’s a couple of deer literally right there, that’s the mall and the two babies. They live in the yard, all right guys.
So my plan for today has changed. I initially was planning on taking this truck um down to the lot, but with the weather outside and with doing all this prep work and cleaning the thing I’m not going to drive it, it would be absolutely hammered um but anyway, so we got to do a Quick wipe down it’s just Dusty, there’s a couple water spots on it and the and the windows need done little Spritz on the towel. Just like that, and then, like you see all this junk on the window, I usually just hit the Windows like this um insteading. Instead of getting out the glass cleaner and going through that whole thing, I just hit the windows really fast, just like this so wet side and then dry side buff it out and it cleans the windows and it leaves a nice little film of that Ceramic spray. Wax on there, I’ve been using this Grio stuff for for quite some time now, and it works pretty good um.
So the the water will bead on the windows and everything cuz. I do not have the windows coated um. When I did the ceramic coating, I was going to order stuff for the windows or just put the stuff, the paint on the windows, but I never did it. I don’t. I don’t know why.
So you know there you go, there’s there’s a clean window um and you don’t need much. Just missed, missed that towel on missed it onto the towel and you know wipe on wipe off Mr Miyagi um and you can usually get two windows out of one Spritz. Like you’ll see it when you’re, when you stop applying product to the window, you know then apply a little more to the towel. This isn’t rocket science and then I’ll go get a fresh towel and I’ll do the same thing on the paint shut.
That off all right guys, uh Platinum, is done now done for what I don’t know, but this is probably the cleanest. This might be the best shape the platinum’s ever been. In I mean we got refinished Wheels, completely paint corrected and ceramic coated and detailed, exterior uh, fully fresh front end with, like a you know, like a basic detail, complete engine bay, detail, complete interior detail. I mean cleaned out scrubbed completely empty. Everything is out of here, except for that vanilla Roma probably got to grab that um.
I mean there is it’s: it’s done. It’S fully fully ready for, whatever you know, I’m ready for whatever uh. I would highly suggest. Either ceramic coating your own truck vehicle, whatever or um having it done, because nothing sticks to this. It’S super easy to maintain.
Um like there was like tiny little streaks dust water spots and it wiped right off and look look at the depth and clarity invol involved in here I mean I like, like I did go overboard on the uh paint correction um, but like it’s wild, how? How clean and deep and shiny it is with that ceramic coating and if you’re wondering, if you didn’t see the article, I did a g Technic Crystal serum light. One coat with two coats of the uh topper deal, which is the EXO right there, the XO V4. So two coats of that on top of one coat of that – and you get this. Obviously that was after the paint correction.
So there is 92,000 mil on the truck there’s a couple chips and stuff on the front right along the front hood and then on the front. Bumper there’s a couple Stone chips, but other than that, it’s borderline, Flawless, um scrubbed. The running boards did a basic, undercarriage detail: um, it looks very, very clean and guys the orange the orange transmission’s holding up strong looks sick under there orange that’s Chevy orange by the way uh. So power stop brakes on the front with their drilled, slotted, rotors, new Oe, pads and rotors on the rear with new brake shoes CU. I had one of the brake shoes that were hung up just from the truck sitting, so long um, so all fresh Brakes in the rear.
I know someone’s going to call out the shocks. The one thing that I missed is the freaking shocks, the old Ranchos, those the original from 2017. They are crusty uh, but they’re still holding that’s just that that protective outer top side that covers the actual shock uh tube is is, is is Rusty. Did a quick refinish on the tailpipe section of the exhaust just because it has surface rust. You know that is stainless, but it gets a little surface stuff on it.
Um you just take a red Scotch bright, wipe it on there. It comes right off, and here we go. The Platinum is in its full Glory, fresh rear, bumper Recon tail lights, Recon third brake light, um the entire SP parts, catalog Warren 55 over cp4 s370 ball bearing Emperor turbo kit. It is wired for a full send switch, meaning a full send switch. Is you can turn?
I have it plumbed into the fuse box for the ABS traction control system? So if you need to have that that completely disabled, because these trucks are funny – and they don’t like to fully disable that when you shut it off all right guys so with the truck here um, I was looking at like two one of two options: option one. This isn’t in like any type of importance, order option one was going to be give it away like do the old, YouTuber giveaway brother um, but I I don’t know like I. I really don’t have that much traction to give it away. So I don’t think that was really a wise thing, and – and I I wouldn’t do it to like – make a whole bunch of money.
I would just do it to like literally give this epic awesome truck to one of you guys. Um try to keep like the try to M. I don’t know. I want to try to figure out a new angle to the giveaway situation, but I just don’t have that figured out, so I’m probably going to list the truck for sale. I’Ve been hitting around I’ve, been talking a lot about purging the fleet, meaning uh cleaning out the entire fleet of vehicles and kind of starting over with some fresh new vehicles for the channel.
This has been like the main center of the channel since I started the YouTube channel way. I don’t know when I got the truck back in 2017. The the article were only about this truck, putting mods on it doing things with it. I don’t know um, but like the truck’s complete, it has a fresh built transmission. It has all that stuff on it and it’s kind of just to a point where you know we can continue to push it um or or I can sell it and and get something else, so probably leaning towards option number two and that is selling it.
But I know some of you are going to be disappointed, don’t sell the Platinum, that’s the OG truck of the channel. Don’T do it, don’t do it, but I’m looking for a 23 Power Stroke, I’m looking for the right one though I don’t want to spend crazy money on it. Just because not that’s it’s crazy! What people are asking for these trucks? I might just order a 24 um haven’t like locked down a decision.
Yet on that, but um this thing’s. Just it’s ready to go. I never drive it. I have the single cab. I got the TRX, I got the Cummins.
I have a fleet of other vehicles that I drive other than this, so This literally just sits here so probably going to put it up for sale. So if one of you guys wants this like, I don’t have it listed anywhere yet like publicly a couple. People have seen me hint on this in the past article and have messaged me on Instagram and are currently interested, but I don’t have it listed anywhere. I was going to drive it to the lot today and put it like on the front front center section of the lot, but the weather didn’t permit that. So I just came down here – and you know just tweaked a couple things and went over it with a fine tooth comb in the terms of detailing, so it’s not anywhere yet.
This is the first time I’m like publicly announcing that the truck’s going to be for sale like officially. So if one of you guys are interested um, you know shoot me a message: go on Instagram, it’s just @ top Cory DM me on there it’s hard to sort through like a billion messages from like uh like 10-year-old kids who who say they want it like. No offense to to to the kids out there it’s just it’s tough, to sort through like who’s serious who’s, not serious um. So let me know I can meet you like I’ll drive it if you’re like in Texas, cuz, like I’m in Pennsylvania, if you’re in Far Away dude we’ll meet up I’ll drive down, we make a article about it, it’ll be cool, I don’t know. I feel like that would be um something to to do, but uh the 2017 Platinum.
It’S Platinum, fully loaded every option, um sunroof, all the deals monster monster part list um, if you guys have like want the full details on the truck just shoot me a message. I’Ll go over that um, but it’s it’s ready to go. Just did a ton of work to it tightened up, tidied up all the weird little loose ends on it and she is ready. It’S kind of it’s kind of sad to to think that we’re going to part ways, but we get to start with a blank canvas and build a whole new something. Oh and it’ll come with the stock wheels they’re right there, the stock Platinum wheels, there’s a uh Toyo at2 extreme.
On there, 35 12502 um they’re like pretty low on tread, but they’re they’re, probably just under half tread, which is enough on there, but come with those um. I have some other stuff if you’d be interested in that, maybe like uh like a tuno cover. I have a tono cover for it and you know just little weird random things. Um. I have all the stock Parts, every single part that come out that that has come off the truck.
I have uh. So if you guys want that, we I give you that too um like stock cp4, which was good. I mean those are guess going. You know you get some money out of that and the Turbo all the piping, all the factory stuff and yeah. I don’t know I’m sure, I’m Miss missing something if you have any questions like, I said, shoot me a message on Instagram: it’s probably the easiest place, um kind of sort sort through those a little easier, but that’s it guys.
Uh. First, article back 2024 took a nice little like vacation deal little break from everything just trying to uh get over this weird sinus infection I had is that not cool but potentially um, probably gon na list, the 21 TRX also um. You know swap that for something else, I’ve been really interested in l5s or fifth gen cumings um, so that right one comes along. You never know, but all right guys, I’m going to let the weather. You know cool off here, because it’s just been raining and raining.
I’M not going to drive it with those wheels on it in the Rain, the wet Road it’s going to destroy it so um. Maybe next article, you see we’ll be taking it to the lot as soon as the rain holds up and we can get down there without just trashing everything on there uh. You know we’ll do that we’ll go down there we’ll mess around and then we’ll just see. What’S next, but as always, if you made it this far, you are freaking awesome. I will see you on the next one ,