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How to Delete/Reroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke

How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
what’s up boys, i do have a few girl. Subscribers got my ass called out for that. Welcome back to the channel where we do cult way. Today, i’m gon na tear the shot of that truck and uh just get away with some. We don’t need so i’m doing this because i got this piping kit right here.
I’M gon na put this full piping kit on and i got to get rid of my ccv filter and you should too anyway. I had my upper oil pad fixed one time already under warranty when them filters. I guess, get clogged up. It’S like blow back pressure or i don’t know, i’m not a diesel mechanic. I don’t know what kind of pressure i know there’s some pressure that puts on them seals down there and it messes with your oil pan and it can start leaking um some ccv.
This is, if you don’t know what is what the ccv filter is. It’S uh this thing right back there with the stickers on it, um there’s like two kinds: there’s a there’s, a non-serviceable one um, which is just like. I think it’s just like nothing inside of it and then there’s a serviceable one, which is like the filter. I don’t know what model trucks have the non-serviceable or servicer. I don’t know i just all i know.
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Is we finna take that some off? So if you want to see how to do it, let’s roll all right one way to check if your uh ccv filter is clogged up or or you know, you’re about to maybe have a problem in the future. Is you start your truck so we’ll give her a crank and uh you go over here to your oil cap. Take this cap off and you see that coming out right there. Most all trucks are going to happen.
I would think, but the worse it gets. The closer you are to potentially having a problem so go. Take your off, if it’s just about to overflow, like them volcano or some. It’S probably time that you did so with your filter, so just wanted to kind of throw that in the aritcle okay, there’s a there’s, a bunch of different ways to skin a damn cat. You know some people take this pipe off to get to this hose.
Some people – don’t you know, i’m gon na – try to not do it. So i don’t have to take this off. I’M just gon na. Do the aritcle on the ccv delete right now, i’m doing it, because when i do my piping kit, i got to have it off anyway, so it’ll be kind of like a two part, so first filter, then the piping kit um, but there’s some 10 millimeter bolts. All right, let me put the phone in the other hand, maybe you dumb,okay without me, losing my damn temper, which is real easy to do so.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
Here’S the filter, uh. Ah, it’s not gon na focus back there. I can see it with my naked eye. Just damn fine, you can’t see, all right, there’s a bunch of different ways to skin a cat uh a lot of people when they take it off. They take the pipe off.
I’M gon na try not to do that, so i’m gon na take this this. This is coming off in this tube. Here you see it. It goes in here and it comes to the to the box over here. There’S four bolts: there’s a there’s: a 10 millimeter bolt down there.
I can’t get my phone in there there’s a another bolt uh, that’s right behind this, damn wire right there and then, if i can get this, i can see it with my naked eye. But i can’t see it and the back corner back there. Okay, you see that one right there right where my pinky is that’s one. I think that’s the farthest back one nope, there’s actually one farther back so anyway. Okay, there that’s the farthest back one and then where’s my pink that little thing right.
dpf delete pipe
There is another one, sorry about the aritcle skills. That’S where the damn four bolts are. You probably got to get some kind of extension ratchet or something else. I believe it’s 10 millimeter, so um. What i’m gon na do is i’m gon na probably take my knife and cut this piece of piece of little plastic right here, cut it where i can get to the connector and push some clips in and that way that’ll be taken off and then we’ll take These four full bolts out, but i’m pretty sure i’m gon na – have to remove or at least undo these fuel filter lines.
So we’ll do that and cut this and then we’ll take the bolts out we’re going to do it all. I don’t know what order we’re going to do it, but i mean just pay attention. Hello. I don’t got hell, i don’t get aggravated. I didn’t start a damn aritcle, yet push we’re gon na crack a latte and get this over with real, quick um.
This hose is gon na. Come in your kit. I don’t know where i can’t see the camera that hose coming with the kit. You’Re gon na have this uh you you’re gon na see the parts as we put them in how about that damn all right. I just got my phone propped up that the damn it ain’t gon na be the best, but i can’t get uh mount in here anywhere.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
So you take you your knife and then you just cut this little plastic, off all right. We don’t need that, so we’re going to cut that back and then just just pull it. I mean. If you go back to stock, you need it. We ain’t doing that around here and then you take.
I think i got to get a. Maybe a screwdriver or squeeze in on them, some right there and twist it. I don’t know we gon na figure it out, though let me go, get a flathead real, quick, okay, i think get that flathead twisted or something uh like i said. I ain’t never done this before i’m about to just rip it off, because i ain’t putting it back on. Let me see – oh maybe maybe i push in on this thing over here.
Oh there was a little twisting right there. Son. Let me see here it probably would be a lot easier to get that down, but i think i think it goes in right there. I don’t know if you’re trying to save to put on later this ain’t, the channel for that we taking this off and we rolling. Oh you sucker.
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I might take that pipe off. I don’t know i ain’t gon na. Let it beat me like that that easy, though i know the aritcle is long, but i don’t care. Let me see here. I think i pushed down that long part right there.
Maybe i do not know all right blind yourself, colt, this probably ain’t gon na be my best aritcle. I apologize, but if you don’t want to take the pipe off it’s the kind of you’re going to have to just fight with. Maybe that clip comes out. Damn that hurt. Let me try a different battery.
I mean a different flathead. Oh come on man, i got ta, make this, so difficult to to break the law. Come on get that little tab, just just just tap it out. Ah you son of a rip, my damn fingernail open and all the and everything else all right now, you don’t got me the red ass. Now i ain’t gon na, let it i ain’t, taking the pipe off now i’ll break this son of a all right.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
Let me see here two minutes and 51 seconds. I’Ve been jacking with this. It ain’t got closer to nothing all right, i’m pretty sure. Maybe i need some needle nose, i’m gon na pull them back all right. So i think you just see this long thing right there.
I’M gon na try to just break this, some. Let me see god there ain’t nowhere to put my damn phone yeah get your ass out there all right. So i think you just pulled that. Damn clip back and i can’t get in there son of a oh all right. It would have been a lot easier to just take the pipe off dumbass all right, all right.
I i’m trying to show y’all, because i like to show a lot, but i’m about to just turn this sunbitch off and do it my damn self. It ain’t worth it don’t rip my damn finger open now you like that, i think there’s one more on the other side, so you see how i, like you, see how all right you see how i pulled pulled that back. Damn my finger hurts rip. The damn fingernail see how i pulled that little piece, a little piece sticking up, see how i pulled it back, i’m gon na there’s another one. On the other side, i’m gon na pull it back too, and then i think i’ll be able to just pull it right off all right after fight try to get there after fighting it with the way too, damn long.
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What i did is, i got this screwdriver and pried it up in here after i got that one off and i just kept pushing pushing until it broke off now i think yeah. Now it can come off damn uh yeah, so the pipe the pipe’s in the way. But if, if you can just get long enough, screwdriver and and you know, break see, if i can grab grab that thing, i ain’t got nowhere to put my phone. So it’s like just all right see if i can talk and show you with my hands, i’m sorry about the damn camera all right. So this thing like okay, this little clip right here, see how it’s got that hook on it going in you got to get something under there and lift it up.
There’S three of them. That’S the one i broke, and i was going to get to that one. Then i said: well, i don’t why don’t i just take my screwdriver and bust right through it. So that’s what i did uh you. You can do it.
However, you want, but you got to get those three little long tabs up or just break it. So that’s what i did now put this camera here. I’M sorry guys there is literally nowhere to put the phone and i like to show everybody everything so now in your kit, you’re gon na have you’re gon na. Have this this thing? Okay, you see how there’s a rib there’s a rib on there, so it goes on then over then there’s like a little indention and then it gets thicker in the back again.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
I’M going to put this thing all the way on and i’m going to zip tie later, where that indention’s at so you know it would be a lot easier without the damn pipe on, but i’ll put i’ll put that the rest of the way on later, but It has to go over that and then i’ll zip tie it on that rib. It’S fixing to go over so we’ll we’ll get to that step later. All right. So next thing you need to do is take this. This filter this fuel lines off.
So you push push it on the red ones and then push down on it and then you’re gon na a little fuel is gon na come out. So just just know that some fuel is coming out and this blue one. I think you pull yeah, you pull back and then down, and you see how it slides out like that now be careful with these things, because it’s really they’re really fragile. You know break so get this sucker out. So there’s that one and then damn that stings and there’s another one.
So i think on this. This is the one. So you pull up, you see you just pull up and then you just pull back or you push in. Let me see yeah damn hurt my damn finger all around, so just be careful with this one. This is the one i think you just pull up and then come on colt.
Can you remember how to do this? You’Ve done 100 freaking times up. I think you squeezed something else, but surely it ain’t just lift up, maybe it is yep, that’s it all right got them out of the way. Now that those are out of the way your fuel filter. It just kind of you know you just turn it just counter.
Counterclockwise come on man about to lose it, and then it comes up just keep it upright, like not like that, because it’s full of fuel just go move this out of the way. So you got all this room for activities. Oh diesel fuel in there stings a little bit. They said this is like a two or three hour job. Not if you just do the, cold sway.
I i i can’t see it, but you know two or three hours, because now all we got is pansy ass, quit being a puss. Now all we got to do is get the one. Two three, the four 10 millimeter bolts out, probably have to have some extensions. A a u a u-joint socket but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, but that part was a pain i didn’t want to take the pipe out we’ll get them ten bolts or them four bolts out. I believe they’re, all ten ten millimeter and then hey all we got ta do then is just block one off and run the hose, and i don’t see that taking up three hours, so, let’s roll okay – maybe now, maybe now you can see it a little bit Better so right hell, i can see with my eyes right behind that that okay there’s the bolt, that’s one bolt back there and then there’s another one there and there’s two in the back.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
So i i don’t think i have to film. I like filming the back bolt, but i mean damn: if y’all can’t take the bolts out just know, the back two are gon na, be a pain in the ass. All right i mean literally, we just take the full bolts out now, with this out of the way and moved it’s gon na, be a lot easier. So once i get the four bolts out, maybe on the last one in the back i’ll film a little bit, but you know i’ll show you what i’ve got to use as my socket and then i’m going to take them out um. I showed you where they’re at it’s, it’s damn simple, so you know i got faith in you, okay, this is what i’m going to use.
This goes on. My quarter inch impact. If i can fit that in there i will. If not, i got this little wobble socket joint right there. Okay, i’m going to put this short 10 millimeter one on there and i got a damn assortment of different extenders.
Here’S one for the impact uh like i said this one’s badass, it’s flexible. It goes into my impact, but this is what i’m going to use to get those four bolts out. So we i’m pretty sure. The only thing you’re really going to need is the extensions and this u-joint one right here, but just make sure you got a bunch of the tools that you’re gon na need for you tear it apart, because i mean you’re gon na have to finish it before You be driving, you know what i’m saying: let’s roll all right, this first one, you know it’s it’s it’s loose now and i’m just spinning it. I got the u-joint and that short 10 millimeter one on it all right.
So i’m gon na do the rest off camera. It ain’t hard. Okay, this is the one i couldn’t show you all on film, but you see where it goes down, and i showed you the two in the back, so i’m just showing you where that one’s at i don’t need the uh new joint for that one that that Extended and that just regular old sock, i can’t can get that one you’re gon na have to move two wires there in the way you just move them over and stick that thing. On top of the nut or bolt okay, i got all of them. I dropped one i literally cannot.
You cannot film that, but i got these two quarter inch extensions, i think maybe one’s a 12 one’s a 10 and then that you that universal u-joint socket and then a 10 millimeter. I was able to just stick it right back. Like here, leaning up against back there all the way and then once i got it back there i could kind of get. I could. I was leaning on the truck and i could get my hand in between the fuel lines and i could kind of set it on top of the nut in the very back once i had it on top, i broke it loose, and then it took me about A couple minutes just to keep on going keep on going as much as i could it come off a couple times.
I have to put it back on, but you you literally have to have an extension. So we’ll say it’s here, there’s my socket so from here. You’Re gon na have to have an extension, at least all the way to this. Damn little uh coolant line right here. So right before that, so that’s how long extension you have to have.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
I ain’t got no damn tape. Measure right now just get something that long cool. So that’s it now now, i’m pretty sure this, just well i’ll, probably lift something else up. I’M gon na put the camera down we’ll set up, see if i can just lift her on out of here now, so give me just a second okay, so i was yanking on it and it is tight at first and you have to yank and you’ll hear It come up, then it’s loose uh. I probably need to put this phone down put this on a tripod or something but uh i’ll.
Do that so i can use two hands, but it didn’t want to come off at first, but you just have to kind of break the seal, so you just have to pull up and then you’ll be able to finagle it out. But i’m gon na put this on tripod and see if we can uh film that part hell, yeah got the old third hand up just got me a new little old tripod. Anyway, it’s got this thing that folds over it. I know you don’t give a, but i’m happy so now i got both hands. I think i should be able to get this sucker out of here.
Okay. Well, i think you needed these, because this is the order of your injectors or something. If you ever need to get new injectors like it’ll, tell you like, they need to be like in sync or something well, the diesel fuel done ate it off. So before you start damn before you start the project, maybe take a picture of that. I’M sure they’ll be able to look it up somehow, but there’s one two, three, seven, eight.
It tells you like to order something with the injectors. I don’t know ain’t, no decent mechanic. Just try to take a picture of this one with the one two. Three. Four: five: six, seven eight before you get into this because obvious, obviously the the diesel fuel, aided apart so yeah anyway, boom son, now look at all that damn oil down and put this thing down and wipe my hands off and i’ll get you a little closer View all right so now that we got that out, you got that big hole right there see it’s just got one threaded bolt hole that one in the back’s got two threaded bolt holes and i’ll show you where everything’s gon na go all right.
So this one is gon na go on the first hole and make sure you know your gasket’s on there with one of these nuts or bolts this one’s going to go on the back one, okay, and then this see how that’s threaded, that’s threaded in there too. So i’ll put that in there and then this tube is gon na go on this end, okay, but be sure to put this on first, so you can tighten it all right so, but i’ve seen a lot of people put it in the truck with it. On already, i can’t do that. Well, we’ll see just just pay attention for what i do. Not all kits are the same, but it’s the same concept so we’ll see all right on my kit uh these star head nuts or 3 16 star head.
So just letting you know, i don’t know what your kid’s going to be. Every kit might be different um. Obviously, the damn threads are the same on all the kits, but might be different sizes for the star head mine’s, a 3 16 
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
All right so, like i said first one we’re gon na. Do i’m gon na make sure i got all my debris off of this or whatever just clean it up a little bit i’ll, get the other little dab of that black gold. Maybe put it around the gasket, i don’t know if y’all can see, i’m dabbing that black gold put around that gasket right there and then we’ll set this thing in there.
There it popped in and then i’ll thread it. I don’t know if the if the threads lined up or not looks like it did so we’ll see it’s one, damn wires in the way. Of course, all right, so that’s on there i’m just going to hit it. I’M just going to hit it with this, because i got it on this little extender good enough all right now i got this one make sure it’s my gasket’s cleaned off. I still got a little oil on my finger.
It’D, be all right, so go back down here pop this one in yeah you can’t pop it in you got ta all right. I got that back. One back thread started now i’ll. Do this one all right so that one’s in there and i’m gon na just tighten those up off camera all right the hand tight right now. So let me go get this thing so fast.
I might not even have to edit that so now this you know it’s going to thread in the top of this so kind of a tight fit anyway i’ll, throw it the rest away. Okay. Now, if i get the flashlight here, i got. I got that sucker on now. All i got to do is run the tubing up and stick it over the end of that and tighten it all.
Tighten down we’ll run the tubing down through the wheel wheel somewhere down there where it comes out all right. So i’m not sure if y’all can see it or not, but you see that black tube right there i got up under the truck and pushed it up. You know to i’ll show you the route i took when it’s all hooked up, but i push it up. I can reach my hand down there and grab it so now i got to put it on the end of that and i got to put this uh clamp on it as well. So i don’t think that needs to be shown.
You know i’m gon na pull the damn black tube up, put this clamp on it and then put it on the end of that into that pipe going down, and then i’m going to tighten it. Then all we got to do is be frickin done and have a latte all right. Let’S see if i can zoom in see, i got the hose and a little hose clamp on there. Now i’ll tell you what i’m gon na do. What i’m gon na do off camera is put the damn fuel filter back on y’all know how to do that, but i’m gon na show you so i went up come on.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
I went up behind the field filter. I got back here and i could kind of see so i ran it up back behind the fuel filter and i stuck it up to where i could uh. You know i could see where the where i needed to get it. I just jammed it up there. So it stayed and i went up top and fixed it now.
All i got to do is uh i’ll. Do this off camera just so i don’t make the aritcle that much longer. But now i’m going to do is write this wire somewhere. You know i’ll zip tie it, and that way it just you know, lets it go out this way and if it, if for some reason it uh makes it too dang stinkier. If it starts smoking or something i’ll, just get a coupling put on there and get some more tubing and run it to the very back of the truck, so that’s what i’m gon na do.
Some people put it back to re-ride it back to the exhaust. I don’t think i’m gon na do all that, but now i’m gon na put everything back together off camera and then we’ll crank it up, and you know. Obviously, since we took the fuel the upper filter off, you can’t just crank it. You’Re gon na have to cycle it and i have a peasant model. So i turn the key, don’t crank, it turn the creek.
crack a couple times if you’ve got push button, you just push the button and you don’t hit the brake at the same time because it’ll start so you just push it. Let it cycle push it a couple times. You’Ll know. Until you tell it sounds whatever normal and then crank it, but we’ll go over that. Just know that i’m turning the key you’ll just be pushing the button.
So i’m gon na put this back together. We’Ll finish out this vid okay got the fuel filter hook back up, remove these before i run them over, and then i went down here wow. What i did people ask me how my light’s still going, and somebody said working just fine anyway around that tube. You know behind the front of the wheel up over this. I don’t know what this is like.
I said. I don’t know that mechanic and then back right here, zip tied it run it over here, zip tied it and it ended. This is what my people installed. My camper did looks like crap might have to fix that, but it ends like it ends. Probably right about where my doorknob is so we’ll crank, we’ll we’ll cycle it and then we’ll crank it up, see how she what she looks like so hey.
How to DeleteReroute CCV 6.7 Powerstoke
I need a latte all right, drank it, there’s one i’ll. Try it again see if i can hear anything, not good, that’s why you don’t crank it. I thought i had that some on all the way pouring out everywhere, dumbass colt, okay, say good lesson. I thought i had that summit on.
I guess i didn’t yep what not all the way now i think it’s all now. I wish i could have seen that probably need to get some rags dry, that off, but it’ll buff. I wish y’all could have seen that. I just saw it real, quick and turned the key off, but, as you can see it was it was pouring out. So it’s all right.
Thanks to biden, diesel is pretty cheap so who we got big man? Oh yeah fellow deleted duramax. He knows what’s up so we’ll cycle it. Let me go make sure yeah, that’s what we like to see. I can still hear it kind of filling up, so you can see it was shooting everywhere.
So hey everybody makes mistakes. I don’t claim to be no mechanic. I just don’t hide stuff on aritcle, like other people, so we’ll do that a couple more times. One more time, maybe, that’s what you got to do. It’S just like changing your fuel filters, all right, i’m fixing to crank it.I love it all right about latte, 30 
Oh, we got a cummins over there deleted all right. Everything looks pretty good, i don’t see anymore, but who knows so? Let’S go, let’s see if we got any of that pressure coming out this tube down here, i feel pressure coming out, but there’s no smoke. So i feel pressure, let’s see if i got see if it solved the robot, nothing, nothing at all. How about that earlier.
Remember in the aritcle i took it off and i was having some pressure shooting up, so i don’t think anybody else has showed that on the aritcle before so i’m glad i remember, but anyway, i’m gon na let it run for a little bit, but that’s all There is to it now the only thing i got to do. I didn’t do on video. I got to push this on farther and put that zip tie on there but uh. I think when i, when i do my piping kit. I think that that comes off anyway, i don’t know, but the good thing about this piping kid is.
It comes with lock-off plates and a ccv reroute. So it’s a budget kit. You know i’m all about saving some money, but anyway, i’m glad that when i took that off, you didn’t see nothing anymore. So my upper oil pan’s gon na thank me later, because i don’t have to pay for it to get done. They did it.
The first time on the warranty i didn’t have to pay for it, but – and i was i was deleted and they still covered it but uh. Hopefully this solved that and i don’t have to worry about it at all. But anyway you know what time it is. I’M about to phone that damn latte, because i mean, if i wouldn’t film it, i probably could have done that job in maybe an hour if that, but it ain’t too bad at all, we’ll see if this starts stinking real bad one day i don’t know if It’S gon na or not if it does like, i said i’ll, run a i’ll splice it out and run that tube out farther, but anyway man. I appreciate y’all watching uh, we’ll hit this freedom funnel one time and then uh we’ll roll out.
So until next time i ain’t gon na, say god bless uh after the freedom fall because i just feel like i need to say: god bless last human man, all right boys, girls. Well, it’s in this aritcle. We always got to have freedom funnel in there somewhere. So why not? Why not at the end?
Oh, so i don’t know if thisaritcle helped you anyway yeah. If it didn’t call me a dumb ass, i don’t care but uh. If you liked somebody had the audacity to ask me if i cleaned up my freedom funnel it’s like dumping, the grease out every time you use it. No, i ain’t cleaning this sucker out. I don’t care, so i don’t know freedom funnel.
If y’all ever see this, why don’t you watch your sponsor boy? I keep saying that but uh well, let’s get it call boom anyway appreciate y’all thanks for watching uh. If you haven’t hit that like button, so until next time, god bless 

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